24-01-2013: Message from Arachanaï

Beautiful Jacaranda Sunset

This above picture was taken on 11/11/2011 and modified.

Ok here it is, you can have me for breakfast, or lunch. I would say, in a way, I am Arachanaï, so technically speaking, I am not channeling, I just express my multi-dimensional self. Lisa

I just have the feeling, after reading so many wonderful messages, to write a message from the heart. Even though this time I am battling some sickness, my mind and heart is still clear and able to express what I desire. As I don’t know of yet what I want to write about, the feeling that my higher self Arachanaï wants the merge with me gets stronger.

I am Arachanaï, a message from the heart. As I merged with dear Lisa who is now in great pain because of the advanced acceleration she is undergoing on request, I wanted to share a message that goes through the heart of many. It is an acceleration that is exhausting at the least, a lot of souls asked to be update in a more quickly manner and this can cause more then uncomfortable pains but also in form of perceivable negative attacks. The mind wants to take control and clashes with the up speeding of the soul’s and hearts desires and can create havoc in the body. It is like when you are so relaxed and go with the flow, when you have an accident, you almost come unscratched out if it. But if you are tense, fearful and worried, you can get hurt really bad.

As ways of this reality unfolding, the light is pouring in so fast, the upgrading of your physical bodies are also speeding up in this 4th dimension plane. Even though we at the lower cups of the 4th dimension, gradually we are going to climb higher , to the higher cups of 4th dimension , into the lower cups of 5th dimension were we will meet our twin flame, if they are residing there.

I like to share another thought or meditation. Imagine yourself seeking out your higher self, to merge with your higher self. Imagine that you and your higher self hold two seeds in your/higher self hands and fill it with your/higher self’s love, hopes, dreams and light. Then you place it gently into Gaia’s fertile soil and shower it again with plenty of energy and light, the other one you plant it into your heart, and again shower it with plenty of your/higher self’s energy. And every time you lost hope, your dreams or anything else, just think about that seed you planted into your heart, filled with hope, dreams and possibilities… because that is what it is, the possibilities that can feed your multidimensional realities into becoming your reality. A new world will emerge from this tiny seed. It is not the size that will decide what the new world will look like, it is the dreams, the hope, the possibilities you shared that will grow into a world that exceed your wildest expectations.

A last note to everyone, call upon your higher self and merge with it, don’t be afraid, LOVE… don’t think you can’t because you CAN, and live your life the fullest as there is no limit. It is YOU who will pave the path and it will be YOU bringing in higher vibrations so that the possibilities become realities. I will leave you now as Lisa is getting too tired and has to go to the hospital a bit later. I give you my infinite love.

Lisa is now in doubt whether she would blog this or not, as she is not sure if this comes from her ego self, heart or I, her higher self Arachanaï, but I know in her heart, she knows this message is true to her soul. Anyone who is reading this will resonate with it or not. There is no ONE truth, the truth is your heart speaks and resonates of what has been written. Love Arachanaï.

A quick note from me. I must agree with Arachanaï, that when I was writing this message, I was doubting myself so heavily on this, even though when I looked into my heart and I felt Arachanaï so close to me. That doesn’t mean that my doubt is completely gone, but a seed of more self confidence is planted in what I receive from Arachanaï or from my heart. But I think we can convey a much bigger message, with more impact, if we somehow can bring over the emotional good qualities into the words, the energy of being centered, of being ONE.

Beautiful clouds and surprisingly blue orbs

As I was taking pictures of the storm clouds and the aerie light that was produced I got a pleasantly surprise when I looked at two pictures, shot without flash.The two pictures were shot in the same minute, just a few seconds apart. As you see the last picture, the third, the orbs are no longer there and it is a picture shot with flash.  The first picture you see the two tiny blue orbs sitting right on top of the tree on the right. The second, you see that the two orbs are big, one on top of the trees and one ate the bottom. I felt so excited when I saw this. See below pictures. Click on the pictures for a bigger view.


Here below are the storm cloud pictures I made the same day as the pictures with the orbs above.


Other beautiful cloud pictures.


Hopegirl Blog Archives 2012-2015

After much work and careful consideration I am pleased to present to you the business plan for the Fix the World Organization: Defining a New Paradigm Business Model.

Here is the PDF:

Please give it a good read through and share and pass on to everyone you know! This is unlike any business plan you have ever read. We need to get it out to the people!

Over the course of the next week, I have been called to engage in a special project involving the One Peoples Public Trust Documents. This is Big. The end result will bring clarity and benefit to all.

We are also busy establishing a Fix the World Website and hope to have this up and running in the next two weeks. This website will be a place where you can join the Fix the World Community and create a…

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I AM FREE! OPPT-in Campaign

Good Afternoon everyone.

After listening to Lisa Harrison’s blogtalk show yesterday, the Santos Bonacci show on Monday and the failed WH Petition fiasco (TWICE!), the Free At Last Crew have come up with other methods to DO by spreading awareness.

1. Create a photo of yourself with your choice of I AM FREE OPPT-in messages on them. Here are a few we’ve done to give you an idea.

150641_584906431536191_166304917_n  321337_584881131538721_1065889403_n  528858_584889461537888_1463808552_n  OPPTin

2. Twitter a hash tag #IAmFreeOPPTin to spread the word.

3. Blog or write articles about the One People’s Public Trust.

4. Share the OPPT website and stories from Free At Last, Removing the Shackles, American Kabuki and Kauilapele Blog’s

Let the People KNOW they are Free and how. The next step to be aware and to hold our governments and others accountable, but more importantly, we must just BE.

Openhearted Rebellion

NASA International Space Station: Pic of Huge Mothership?

Posted on YouTube by DABOO7 – January 23, 2013 (Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.)

Note from Wes: I’m being told that the video no longer shows up – it has perhaps been taken down.

NASA has released two photographs taken from the International Space Station (ISS) that show what appears to be a giant mothership above Earth.

Original images. Source NASA.





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OPPT Court Cases – Free Forum

FREE FORUM: OPPT COURT CASES – It states it is a Forum to share and help people fighting legal battles all over the world based on One People’s Public Trust UCC Filings.

Here is a new website for everyone currently with open court cases to keep track of their progress and outcomes based on the UCC Filings that was established this morning.

A breakdown of the forum is by topic:

  • Ongoing Court Cases by Country – Forum to discuss ongoing court cases by Country. Please post a new thread under your country/state. If the desired state/country does not exist, notify the admin and one will be created for you.
  • Breaking the Old Paradigm – Here you can discuss who you are dealing with the system on day to day basis. Are you sending notices against your mortgages, loans, traffic fines etc ?
  • Archived Court Cases – Won
  • Discussion on Templates & Documentation – Here you can add templates and documentation which everyone can use for their court cases. Let everyone know what works and what doesn’t.
  • Shout for Help – Looking for HELP. Start a thread here.
  •  Links – Links to further provide information on OPPT and more.

In a short few hours, people are signing up and posting already. Awesome!

It’s great to see so many ingenious ideas flowing from people around the world. The campaigns, websites, blogs, petition, forums and pictures just keep coming. The news will spread.

Good Luck everyone!


Source: http://shiftshaper.org/freeatlast/2013/01/25/oppt-court-cases-free-forum/

Openhearted Rebellion

Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.

tractor beam

Star Trek style ‘tractor beam’ created by scientists

BBC News, Jan. 24, 2013


Note from Wes: We’ve likely had technology like this for decades now and finally, the people are getting to see some of what has been hidden away and fantasized. Expect many more sudden “creations” like this as we move further into the age of understanding that we can no longer be held back and advanced technologies can no longer remain hidden. We are stepping into the future!

The ‘tractor beam’ is hoped to have medical applications

A real-life “tractor beam”, which uses light to attract objects, has been developed by scientists.

It is hoped it could have medical applications by targeting and attracting individual cells.

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HopeGirl and OPPT working together

According to HopeGirl’s Business Plan announcement on January 26, 2013 about the Fix The World Project, she also announced

“Over the course of the next week, I have been called to engage in a special project involving the One Peoples Public Trust Documents. This is Big. The end result will bring clarity and benefit to all.”

I’ve worked with HopeGirl on the Fix The World Project and also with Global Genius Trust projects since last July.

Both of these projects benefit all humanity and until funding becomes available they are looking for volunteers. I am the Volunteer Coordinator for GGT assigning research projects to those with knowledge, skills and expertise in areas of interest to GGT. If you are interested in helping. Send an email with basic resume information of your talents, skills and interests to info@ggtrust.com.

Her expertise in the business world greatly benefits all projects she is involved with and is a huge asset to We The People.

Thank you Hope Moore for everything you are doing!


Source: http://shiftshaper.org/freeatlast/2013/01/27/hopegirl-and-oppt-working-together/