Starseed DNA reading: Arcturus

My vision/connection with an Arcturian.

I continue on this journey to unearth my starseed lineage in this starseed DNA reading from The Grove Apothica. This is the second part of the Starseed DNA reading.  My replies on this reading will be in cursive.

Where else your Soul has been
The following Star Nations are not necessarily in order as to when you incarnated with them.These are the order as to the importance to this lifetime and the mission and traits that they embody for you. I hope they can shed some light on who you are today and how you can work closer to why you are on Earth.

Another Soul Group to come through in your lineage is :

Arcturians are from the Boötes Constellation. The name Boötes comes from Greek and means “bear guardian”. This Star Nation is said to be the oldest and most advanced civilization in out Galaxy. Arcturus is the name for their Sun that is 25 times the size of our sun. It is said they originate from a blue planet that orbits this star and often those Starseeds from here gravitate to the colors of twilight periwinkle blue, and lavender like the colors of their home planet.

When I read: Arcturians are from the Boötes Constellation. The name Boötes comes from Greek and means “bear guardian”.  My native American zodiac is Bear. My Chinese horoscope is wood tiger. And my favorite color is blue. Even though in early childhood I felt also so strong to the color red.

When I was looking through my spiritual diaries, I noticed I had connection with them since 2012 but I never realized this as I was reading also other channelings from other star beings. Now it is so clear as day.I had some connections in the past and it seems to be also in the future with Arcturians, but that is for another article. Here you can read my connection with Iltheos.

These types of Starseeds are rather rare and being in a physical form is one of the biggest struggles for Arcturian Souls. They do not incarnate on Earth often because their home world is in the 7th Dimension (some are in the 8th Dimension now) and Earth is in the 3rd. In the 7th/8th Dimension they have reached the light body level of existence and reverting back to a physical body can be constricting and tedious for them. They are much more comfortable in the role as a non-physical teacher or Spirit Guide. When they are doing any type of energy work, they may prefer distance work because it takes the physicality out of the session and allows energy to be all that matters.

They are very spiritual, intuitive, and intelligent. They are natural-born communicators who enjoy sharing ideas. They have a very active Throat Chakra and this allows them to communicate high level ideas. They are good at planning and organizing because they are masters of the mind and working with the mental energies. They can also focus and clear their energy easily and show us how to align our energy bodies. This alignment knowledge is them laying the groundwork for progression into the collective consciousness. They do deep work in dreams and stellar apparitions (like a hologram).

I struggle with a chronic throat infection that doesn’t seem to go away. The doctor says it’s because of my pollen allergies. But I think I also have an underactive throat chakra. Also, I like to plan everything, write everything down in work instructions, and so on. And I have to-do lists just to keep myself on track, otherwise, I forget half of it. As for the deep working dreams and stellar apparitions: I have many dreams that I have been writing down since 2011, until this very day. Some dreams feel very intense and very real. I posted some on my blog, but I haven’t lately, mainly because I am struggling with my chronic illness, not to mention the depression that seems to keep me in a lock.

Arcturians have a hyper focus in the areas of psycho-spiritual healing and unity consciousness. When I was looking through my diaries, I saw a quote I saw in my dream on a banner:  Unity in Oneness. They will often be in the role of Spiritual Teacher, Guide, or Healer. They teach us that the most fundamental ingredient for living in the 5th dimension is love (this is where Earth is working towards). Negativity, fear, and guilt must be overcome and exchanged for actual love and true light. They have developed the ability to transcend the ego and separate from the lower fear-based self. Success in their work is judge only in terms of the measure of Light Frequency.

Having a strong desire for spiritual service, and often having a career in metaphysics or healing. They connect to sacred geometry, astronomy, and quantum physics. They may enjoy shapes and patterns and may see them everywhere as vibrational messages. They often also experience Synesthesia: the ability to experience a sense in many different ways. (Feeling a color, smelling an emotion, knowing a number by its vibration). This can also lead to them being overwhelmed easily and having frequency sensitivity around sound, light, and color.

My life at that time of Atlantis spanned three different incarnations. All range around the idea of a keeper of nature and a teacher. I met my twin flame in Atlantis and according to her, I was showing her the immense power that heavenly plants can have over our being. I was in my first life a scientist, botanist, gardener, and harnesser of the advanced energy of plants that few knew about. I could connect with the energy of the plants and use their wonderful energy for a healing advantage.

Arcturians are often very respected and are known to be highly evolved. They are focused on creating a better future and are often using planning and organizing skills to create a better way through. They are drawn towards the future, innovative ideas, and evolution of the human light body. People may gravitate to an Arcturus for advice that will impact their future, and they may be able to visualize the desired outcome and take the steps to bring it in.

Many of Arcturus souls have an imbalance in their chakras by having an abundance in the upper (Throat, Third Eye, and Crown) and not enough flow in the lower Chakras (Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Root). They must work very hard to stay grounded and because of this can struggle with practical aspects of human life such as eating, bathing, paying bills, etc Yes this is definitely me.

saturday’s thoughts on ai-generated art

I have the same opinions. There is magic in the air.

leslee hare's blog

Out-arted by AI

A couple of weeks ago I saw several artists spewing vitriol on an acquaintance’s post because it was illustrated with an AI-generated image. As an artist, I can understand their frustration. But those artists-against-AI-art rants leave me shrugging and shaking my head.

To specify, I’m writing about situations when AI-generated art is used by folks like me: bloggers or social media posters who are looking for a quick way to illustrate an idea. We’re not trying to generate income directly from the images.

I have different feelings and opinions about situations where the AI-generated art is offered for sale. That belongs in another post, and I’m still forming my opinions there.

When I use a MidJourney image to illustrate a piece of writing, I’m not cutting into any artist’s slice of the pie.

First, I don’t have the budget to buy someone else’s art, even on Fiverr.

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My Spiritual Journey: Starseed DNA Reading

I was wondering on this question how a Blueprinter would look like without asking my guides for any feedback. Suddenly I had an image/vision of a filigree, mycelial network ball that contains worlds, galaxies, light, vibrations, colors and so on. It was amazing to see. For more pictures about Blueprinters click here: Instagram Blueprinters

Chapter 1 : Starseed , Blueprint Changer

I have come so far in exploring myself through QHHT (still needs to be transcribed) , guides and channeling, that I wanted to deepen my spiritual journey.

So early 2022 I had a Starseed DNA reading with The Grove Apothica. I thought it would be another reading that I just could read through it without consequences. But I was wrong, I cried the whole time of how on point it was. The first that came up was that my soul spark is BLUEPRINT CHANGER.

My Starseed DNA reading will be divided into four parts. My replies on this reading will be in cursive.

Starseed DNA Reading by The Grove Apothica

A Starseed is a soul that originated in another Star system. They came here to Earth to help raise its consciousness and vibration. Quite often, Starseeds do not feel like they belong here, long for a home they have never physically been to in this lifetime, and struggle finding their purpose here on Earth. When you finally put the pieces together that you are a Starseed and know the Star Nation(s) in your lineage, you want to connect more and more to these groups of energies. Knowing your Star Lineage opens your memories and your purpose for being on the Earth at this exact time. Let’s dive into your Starseed DNA and see how you connect to the different places your soul knows.


Your Souls Origination

All Starseed Souls spark or begin in a different place. This is called our Soul Spark. The place our Soul came into existence and began the journey of love, life, and learning. Some of us came to Earth for our first lives but not you. You very first life, first inhale of breath, was on another planet.

You began your life with the Blueprinters. These are the Souls that built Earth School. They are invested in the Earth succeeding and flourishing. They were “tapped” by a Galactic Council of beings to create Earth, its grids, and the energy pathways and grids of everything on this planet, including you and me.

By maintaining the Earth’s Grids, Blueprinters are keeping Earth alive, moving, and evolving. They hold the blueprint of Earth in their DNA and know what she needs and what needs to be healed. I think of them as Earth’s Warriors. There are 7 total subgroups of Blueprinters, and they each have different tasks to keep the Earth evolving. You were a Blueprint Changer. Sometimes they are also called Blueprint Connectors because they are here to heal certain difficult aspects of life on Earth and connect our healing into our spiritual experience.

My anwser on above section was following: I had the following experience when I was young. The experience I want to share with you is the feeling of being ONE with Mother Earth. Read more

But now that I’ve read this, I know why I felt so connected to Earth: I’m a blueprinter.

*Content Warning* This is one of the harder Lineages to be a part of so please read knowing that this could call up some deep emotions or trauma around abuse, violence, incest, sexual trauma.

The only thing I want to say about this is that I went through a lot of traumas as a child, as well as more physical traumas later in life, such as a lot of operations due to my chronic illness.

Often, Blueprinter Changers incarnate into difficult and even traumatic situations and could experience very heavy trauma including abuse, violence, sexual trauma, and victimization of any kind. These beings recover and continue to heal from these things to them help others to heal the same situation and experience. Sometimes they may also be born into war zones or places of high turmoil/violence.

Your path is to understand trauma from a higher perspective and transmute the energy to show others how to do the same. This is actually a very healing Soul Group but to get to the healing, they experience childhoods and even adulthoods that are very hard.

As a group, they are largely researchers that way to experience the negative aspects of life on Earth. They then feed that information back to the Blueprint Changers on the other side. They tend to understand suffering and they hold a survivor’s compassion for anyone going through difficult times. This is the greatest gift they bring to this world.

Everything I do in this blog is to inspire others that you can still can go on strong. With determination and love to self, anything can be concquerd. But I never say it is an easy path. Nothing is set in stone, like this future life reading by my good friend Leslee. My future life in wymquedaj.

If you have not suffered greatly in your life, you have still survived and recovered from something, and your life purpose is to help others recover from the same thing. This Soul Group is full of survivors understanding how to expand our understanding of this aspect here on Earth.


Disclaimer: I am only using AI art to convey my visions, nothing more. I also convey it in traditional mediums like watercolor and gouache.

My Spiritual Journey: Current guides

For a few weeks, I have been considering how to launch a series about the spiritual journey I undertook while living in South Africa. And, if I think back, it all started with me attending a Mind, Body, and Soul Fayre in Johannesburg. It’s where I met the sweetest lady, Ingrid Fischer. She had many fascinating stories to tell about her life. The following information about her was discovered on the internet.

Ingrid Fischer – experienced Psychic Artist / Spirit Guide Drawings

Psychic Art is a Profession that entails an experienced Psychic Artist to be able to connect with their Psychic Art Guide and to Channel/Produce a Portrait of your Personal Spirit Guide/Angel or Loved One – who is “In Spirit”, as well as to bring through a Personal Message for YOU!!

Psychic Art is a part of Mediumship that is considered to be a Psychical Phenomena.

The Spirit Guide/Angel Portrait, is therefore an original Work of Art that has been Created just for YOU!

She created the five spirit guide drawings I’m about to show you over the course of a few years.

Sister Sabiene

I already introduced Sister Sabiene on my page, but for those who didn’t read it yet, you can find her story in My spiritual Healing Guide Sister Sabiene.

The next guides that I will introduce , three of them come from the channeling from Wes Annac. Also found under story of my spiritual Healing Guide Sister Sabiene.

Master Harmon ——————-Coraline——————- Jeshua———————-Kartoose the wise man

Message from your Master Teacher Master Harmon,  Guides, Angels and loved ones in the World of Spirit.

Dear beloved Child of God and good.

From the Point of Light and the Point of Peace within me, do your Master Teacher, Guides, Angels and Family members in the World of Spirit greet you with much love, light and peace, as we once again connect on Soul levels in this re-incarnation. We will endeavour to assist you through the many steps and turns you will encounter each day.

Each Soul, as it takes on human form, is coloured by the consciousness of its environment. We have all been indoctrinated with parental, societal and religious values and opinions that suppress our inborn knowledge.  We have all adopted belief systems, fears and attitudes that are not entirely ours and has often taught us dangerous falsehoods.  These fears we have taken from society, from family and even from friends.  Many of these false systems have been born through our experiences and understanding of what we have experienced, and is often influenced by other people’s  pain.

One Path is no better or worse than the other.  They are all equal, as there is great truth, beauty and wisdom in all great religious traditions. They are different, but they are all special and there is no need to abandon your tradition.  There is not one Path, one Church, one ideology. There is only but one Light.  Continue to link with the collective good based in God and good.

You need to know why you are here, and above all you need to determine whether you are living your life or whether you are living someone else’s life.  So the very first step in truly determining what your truth is to first see whose belief system you really live by.  This can take a while, because many people do not even know or acknowledge that they have adopted other people’s belief system, attitudes or perspectives, and this is where the great journey begins.

If your mind is closed, you cannot learn anything that conflicts with your old beliefs, beliefs that may be false.  If you are truly a student of truth, you will recognize that the exploration of truth must manifest some new attitude or teachings you have not had knowledge of before.   There is great truth, beauty and wisdom in all great religious traditions.  Work with what sits well with you, then move on.   

It is always wise to have a bit of many types of spiritual action in your life.  Often when people do not understand something, they manifest human nature, not Divine nature.  You must reach out to those thoughts and feelings within your mind and heart that you know are the noblest and the highest:  The God self, the I Am, will be your consciousness.  We all have limits but we have to be realistic about them.  Time is eternal, time is ever present.  Strive to what your mind comprehends at this time and know that there is still much for you to learn.   You are encouraged to gain new  knowledge and in the process to keep your critical faculties alive. The Path of progress  is never closed to you and there is no end to the advancement of self.

Awaken to dream no more.  You belong to the Universal group Soul consciousness and vibration of God and good.  You have a high level of understanding people in general and people from different backgrounds and philosophies.   Your Soul reaches out for further expression each and every day – that does not necessary mean that your entire life has to be changed around.  Live like God and you will attract godly friends.  Do not mix closely with those who lower your ideals, but at the same time, do not exclude anyone from your love.

Other people’s choices are not your Karma.  The choice they make is a manifestation of their own free will choice – they are also learning. You cannot change your friends, you cannot change your family, you cannot change things and the people about you, and you cannot exercise control over others – you can only be that which you must be and that which you must be is whatever you are.

You do not allow enough time in your day, in your week, in your month or in your year for YOU TO RECEIVE!  Moderation in all things.  Those who are so demanding of you, shall be able to stand on their own two feet.  Trust your instincts, trust your intuition.  Keep the love burning, keep the light burning, keep the friendliness burning and keep the home fires burning.  This is a time for reflection and contemplation, a time to allow your inner wisdom to guide you.  You will realize that there is nothing you need to change and that all is as it should be.  It is only through love and acceptance that the divine order can be seen.

Know that you are surrounded by love and light and trust in the protection you are now receiving.  Let go of fears and concerns and allow this wondrous healing to occur.  Start to focus on the things that bring joy to your life.  Focus on all you would love to do rather than worrying about what others think. You are safe and eternally loved.  Nothing can harm you except your own fears.

Every day you are given, is an opportunity to erase the past and everyday brings new experiences and rewards.  Continue to honour the light of your Soul at all times, honour the love of God at all times (no matter which belief system an individual works with or relates to)  Honour the free will  choice of others, honour the freedom of speech and honour the Golden Rule of doing unto others as you would like them do unto you. Trust the process of the World of Spirit based in God and good.

As you spread your wings of adventure, do you have the most incredible amount of guidance and protection being placed around you and your family. 


Affirmations which may be used on a daily basis:

I am at perfect peace and focussed upon God

I surround myself, (my family, my car, my journey etc.) in God’s Divine Light of Protection.

I affirm and decree that only God and good manifests in my live.

God, Soul, I Am, Love.

Repeat 3x  – to give it birth – to send it off – to give it momentum

The UFOs Shot Down Over North America ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

I had to laugh very hard when I read this: ‘…is very good for all of you who want the e.t.s to hurry up and land their ships already.’

Rainbow Wave of Light

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very aware of the so-called UFOs that have been shot down in various locations across North America, and we are also aware of the wild speculation that has gone on within the new age community about what these objects really were. Now, we want you to all understand that your skies are filled with spaceships from all across the galaxy and from other dimensions, and we also want you all to rest assured that no one has shot down a spaceship. Something being a UFO does not make it a spaceship.

These were all human-made crafts that were shot down. Now, there is more good news coming from us around this story. Having mainstream media and government officials, including the military, talk about the possibility that they could have been extra-terrestrial is very…

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Are E.T.s Spying on Humans? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

When I read it, I got shivers and started to cry. And then I felt a shift.

Rainbow Wave of Light

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are so very interested in your journeys there on planet Earth and on what you have to share with us and the rest of the galaxy, and so are many other beings who have been watching and observing, measuring and waiting to see if and when humanity is ready for more contact experiences. We know that you are making progress there all the time, because we can feel your overall vibration, but some e.t.s that are in physical bodies need to utilize their technology to keep track of how you are doing. Now, privacy has become an issue there on planet Earth, and there are many humans who do not like the idea of being watched. However, like most things there on Earth, there are also positive aspects to something that you perceive as…

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New visions of Abiquor center of light.

Spirit Train Chronicles

Some time has passed by but Abiquor has still been in my mind, sparked by Leslee. I thought it was time to revisit these visions of Abiquor again and updated them through the help of an AI to shape what Abiquor might look like now. There is so much spiritual growth going on, not only personal but on world and cosmic level. Seeing these visions through the AI interpretation made me feel closer to Abiquor. One of the special spaceports within Abiquor is under construction, as it is a bit complicated. Please tell me what you feel when you see these images,see all of them here Abiquor center of Light.

Wish you all the love, Lisa

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Your Power as an Influencer ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

Rainbow Wave of Light

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are elevating the consciousness of humankind with our energetic transmissions. We know this because we can feel, we can sense, when someone’s consciousness is elevated, and when it is not elevated, by what they are receiving. We tune in to you in order to make sure that these transmissions are having the desired effect. They are designed to bring you closer to Source, closer to who you really are.

Now, when we observe humanity, we see people on your world sharing information that is not necessarily designed to elevate the consciousness of the observer, or the receiver, of that information. It is well intentioned; it is meant to inform, but there is very little consideration taken as to whether what is being shared will elevate the consciousness of the people who are in receipt…

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ridiculous inspiration

leslee hare's blog

Need a break? Life got you down? How about a few words to help you feel better about confusion?

It’s okay when nothing makes sense. Because “All Reasoning Is Futile.”

blurred abstract image of a meditator sitting on a lotus flower with a beam of light shooting through his body

My story’s a bit extreme, but ‘typical’ seems a thing of the past now, so I’ll go out on a limb and share it.

I’ve seen myself as an architect for most of my life. But in 2010, out of work and deeply stressed, I began to experience psychic phenomena. With no frame of reference or mentorship, it was scary, and I was unprepared.

When I began ‘channeling’ — if that’s even what it was — I grasped desperately for explanations. Why was I spending my time this way? How could I ensure that these creations — the words I committed to paper, the images that flowed from my head and heart — weren’t merely random products of messed-up brain…

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IMEC: International Mandela effect Conference starts 12pm Eastern time – June 22nd 2020

“REVELATIONS of the Mandela Effect”
Starts 12PM EASTERN time on Monday, June 22nd

If you are interested in this kind of conference, it is about sharing positive ,transformative information about the Mandela effect. There are artists, authors and visionaries dedicated to validating peoples’ experiences with the Mandela Effect.

You can go to there website to find out the schedule of that day:

You can follow the conference on Youtube: IMEC

We love to see you there.