Emmanuel Dagher: Energy Forecast April 2015 – The End of Contracts


My beautiful friend,

It’s such a blessing for me to connect with you in this way. As always, on behalf of all humanity, thank you for choosing to be dedicated to your inner expansion and your journey to Divine remembrance.

It’s because of your willingness to align with your Truest Self that the consciousness of the world is rising so quickly.

If March felt like a ridiculously challenging time for you, you were not alone. Many people felt like they were being pushed to their breaking point, to the point where even all the spiritual tools they had learned seemed to have lost their magic.

Breaking Down for the Breakthrough

To our Spirit, nothing is ever broken. Nothing needs to be healed, because at the core of each of us, there resides only pristine wholeness and perfection.

When we speak of a breakdown, it actually refers to the dismantling effect that occurs in the experience of the mind, when it feels like it has reached a tipping point where even it knows change has to happen.

This tipping point can feel very uncomfortable at times, which is an indicator that some type of internal shift is happening.

The mind is not the biggest fan of change, because it has been conditioned to register change as something that will take it away from the identity it has created for itself.

There are those who understand how to embrace change. We may know them as people who constantly reinvent themselves to become an even greater version of who they were the day before.

How are these people able to embrace change so easily? We all know someone like this in our lives. Take a moment to reflect on this person. You may notice that they may be someone whom you’d consider to be more of a ‘free spirit.’

The reason these people are able to embrace change more easily, is because they ‘think’ more with their hearts than with their mind.

The Spirit is fueled and excited by change. It thrives on change. Those butterfly feelings that we feel inside when something ‘big’ is about to happen in our lives, is our Spirit dancing with excitement, letting us know that a great shift is about to happen.

However, the mind, you may have noticed, registers the butterfly feelings in the stomach as nerves or fear, because it simply is not understanding what’s happening.

So when that happens, just let your mind know that those feelings are a confirmation that your Spirit is getting ready to create a wonderful experience for you, and for that reason … it no longer has to be afraid anymore.

The energies that came in with March have been nudging us to go way beyond our comfort zone. If we weren’t aware that this was happening, we may have found ourselves feeling lost, confused, and at a point of experiencing some sort of emotional, mental, or physical breakdown.

Remember, a breakdown is just another term for ‘the dismantling of limiting patterns that no longer serve our highest and greatest good.’ It’s the experience of no longer being able to find comfort in those limiting patterns.

A breakdown can actually be one of the most spiritual experiences we can have, because it gives us time to reassess our lives and create a new reality for ourselves.

It’s what we allow ourselves to learn from the breakdown that shapes what the next chapter of our lives will look like.

What’s causing these breakdowns?

The Contracts Expire

A big reason why everything seemed so challenging in March, was because many of the old karmic, energetic, verbal, sensual, and even written contracts, oaths, and vows we have consciously and subconsciously made have expired.

Here are some things that might be showing up as result of the expiration of contracts:

We’re being called to release a marriage or romantic partner.
We’re being called to move.
We’re being called to let go of our current job, project, or other business ventures.
We’re ready to align with new friends and release others.
We’re not fully clear on our purpose.
We’re experiencing a loss of appetite.
We’re experiencing unexpected feelings of loss, sadness, and grief.
We’re feeling more emotional than usual.
We may have experienced the transition of a loved one.
We’re finding ourselves trying to please others in order to ‘keep’ them in our lives (a tendency we’d thought we had overcome, due to all the spiritual work we’ve done around that issue)
If you are someone who has experienced any of these things, you are most likely experiencing what’s known as a Divine Completion.

The Divine Completion

A Divine Completion is a sacred time in our lives that signifies profound closure. It is the end of an old chapter, and the beginning of a new one.

Divine Completion is not about getting rid of anything or anyone from our lives with force. It’s not about fixing anything.

It’s actually about understanding that we have come to a point in our lives where certain contracts, vows, and obligations we’ve had with certain people, places, experiences, and ourselves, have been fulfilled.

A Divine Completion means that we have chosen to not run away or avoid something that felt uncomfortable or scary to us, but rather that we have faced whatever challenges needed to be faced full-on. We have learned our lessons, and are no longer in need of recreating that experience in our lives.

Divine Completion can even occur among Soul family members, and Soul mates. These seem to be the hardest for most, especially because we can remember feeling so connected to these beautiful Spirits at one point.

When a completion happens on a Soul level, a compassionate love still remains. If anything less than compassion still remains, completion has not yet fully been achieved.

If you are someone who is experiencing a Divine Completion at this time, know that I am fully holding the space for your integration process to be smooth, gentle, and rewarding.

The amazing thing is that times like this really help us put everything into perspective, and allow us to appreciate the daily blessings in our lives.

Also, once a completion happens and the integration has been made, a fresh new day greets us with its sweet embrace, opening us up to miraculous new possibilities.

The month of April will bring a much lighter and more joyful energy, where these new possibilities can flourish.

As always, I’m profoundly grateful for you, and I look forward to connecting with you here again soon.

Till next time,


“Energy Forecast April 2015 – The End of Contracts,” by Emmanuel Dagher, March 31, 2015, at http://www.emmanueldagher.com/energy-forecast

Source Link: Emmanuel Dagher: Energy Forecast

©2009-2015 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved http://www.emmanueldagher.com You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.

Emmanuel Dagher: October Energy Forecast – New Cycles of a New Earth

Photo - Emmanuel

October Energy Forecast: New Cycles of a New Earth, by Emmanuel Dagher, October 7, 2014, http://www.emmanueldagher.com/

It’s such a gift for me to be able to connect with you in this way again.

The month of October starts off with a powerful Total Lunar Eclipse, occurring on the 8th, that will highlight the relationships in our lives.

These energies are giving us the opportunity to look at our relationships from a higher level. They are calling us to ask important questions, such as:

Are these relationships operating from a space of integrity, honesty and mutual respect?

Are we allowing ourselves to speak our truth in a kind, loving and productive way, without intending to dim our light or the light of others in the process?

Is it time to move on from certain belief systems, people, places and experiences that no longer feel to be in resonance with where we are in our lives?

And could it be time to align with new ideas, people, places and experiences that support and are in harmony with the kind of reality we desire?

The answers to these questions and much more will reveal themselves as we move through this upcoming Total Lunar Eclipse.


In all of our relationships, the art of listening can be a powerful beneficial practice. It can help us receive greater clarity as to whether or not certain relationships are meant to continue in our lives.

When we truly listen, we move out of a reactive mode and into an observer mode. The observer aspect of ourselves simply collects the information it receives and processes it with ease.

Then, without attachment, it decides whether or not a certain experience we are having is in resonance with our higher path or not.

When we come to a point where we are not quite sure what to make of certain relationships in our lives, all that’s asked of us is to listen. First and foremost, we are asked to listen to our intuition.

Then it’s important to listen to the words, actions and intentions the other person is trying to share with us.

Have you ever experienced the following: You are speaking to a friend or a loved one, and as they are talking, you’re mentally preparing what you’re going to say next, without fully hearing what they have to say?

When this happens, it creates a block in communication. It may even create some misunderstandings. When we allow ourselves to truly listen, those blocks dissolve. The path is then cleared for us to know whether or not the relationship is meant to continue.

Opening to a New Consciousness

In the days surrounding October 13th, a new energy cycle will begin that will bring more stability to our lives. This stability will continue to anchor itself throughout the year, until it is clearly felt in our lives and in the world.

Right now, there doesn’t seem to be much stability going on in the collective, so this new energy cycle will make a great impact.

One of the bigger themes that will emerge from this new energy cycle is a greater focus on the well-being of the planet. Nature is speaking loudly to us, leaving no room for second-guessing her messages. We’ll see many solutions come to light in the area of climate change, as well as in the advancement of both personal and global freedom.

The world is waking up. The comfort we found in the discomforts we have all been experiencing is just not working anymore.

What do I mean by this?

There’s a level of comfort that comes with choosing to look the other way when it comes to things that may compromise our well-being. But by looking the other way, we have allowed a select few to make decisions for us all regarding how we experience our lives.

This has GREATLY compromised our well-being, and now there is no longer any false comfort to be found in giving our power away. This is actually a clear indicator that a powerful breakthrough IS happening, and that nothing can stop the shift that’s unfolding.

The Rectification

As we move forward, many things will be rectified in our lives and in the world that once felt to be going in the opposite direction from what we desired.

You see, we’re in a time of instant manifestation, where there is abundant opportunity for things to turn around quickly for the greater good of all.

In our personal lives, we may see this rectification show up in a relationship, a career opportunity, or simply a shift in our awareness. And in the world at large, we can pretty much see it everywhere.

Each one of us has the ability to support the rectification process and actually help it move along more quickly. We do this is by uniting together consistently through group meditation, intention and prayer.

There’s something very powerful that occurs when two or more gather in love. In fact, during the 1987 Harmonic Convergence, millions of people around the world came together at the same time and visualized the world uniting as one family.

Soon after, the Berlin Wall came down, as the consciousness of humanity began rising.

A global love gathering is happening again. This time it’s even larger, and will continue to grow and grow, until it simply cannot be brushed aside any longer.

Nothing can hold us back now, or move us in a direction that is not aligned with the natural flow of life. That’s why the world has begun to feel so different.

On October 23rd, we will move through a Partial Solar Eclipse, which promotes big personal and planetary transformations.

This eclipse will be supporting us by anchoring a deeper sense of spiritual awareness. Around this time, we may find ourselves wanting to spend more time in nature, meditation, prayer or inner reflection, practicing yoga or acts of kindness, or similar spiritual practices.

This is a time of great shifts and rising awareness for both Earth and humanity. There is a phrase you may be hearing increasingly now, as we journey through these amazing changes: “We will do this together, and we will do it with love.”

As always, take good care my friend, and know that we are all in this together.

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,


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