5 Steps to Experience Astral Travel and Have Other-Worldly Dreams

Lucid Dreaming is a powerful tool for exploring reality on a deeper level including the non-physical astral planes.  Dreaming is also a pre-requisite for being able to live a grounded, strong and pure spiritual life.

Those who can dream well are able to become spiritually enlightened, understand themselves on a deeper level, take command of their lives, manifest positive circumstances as well as being able to explore the non-physical counterpart of the Universe.

Lucid dreaming is the natural result of becoming more self-aware of yourself and reality. Any mental exercise for enhancing lucid dreaming can be a ‘forced approach’ and may not work for long. There is also the danger of creating illusory realities within ones mind that are not connected with deeper spiritual reality.

One may think one is on a higher plane but in fact one is still caught up in maya (illusion). Without a deeper cultivation of awareness – the higher regions of the dream-time and the astral worlds will remain inaccessible.

Astral Travel to Other Worlds

Creating the right conditions for lucid dreaming to occur is far more beneficial as well as being authentic. An organic approach to dream exploration through enhancing awareness will be fruitful in this respect Proficient lucid dreamers will be able to travel to other planets, star systems and even other galaxies. They will also be able to make contact with higher-dimensional ET’s (Star Beings)

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Hollow Earth: the Forbidden Land of Agartha and the Thule Secret Society

In 1943, German Navy Grand Admiral Karl Doenitz stated that the German submarine fleet had “built for the Führer an impregnable fortress at the other end of the world,” in the region of Queen Maude’s Land, Antarctica, later renamed Neuschwabenland.

According to German naval archives, two months after Germany surrendered to the Allies in April, 1945, the German submarine U-530 left the Port of Kiel bound for Antarctica.Once the submarine arrived at the South Pole, 16 members of its crew were ordered to construct an ice cave in the region of Neuschwabenland. The German U-boat then entered the Argentinean port of Mar-del-Plata and surrendered to authorities.

In August, 1945, one month and seven days after the surrender of U-530, U-977 also entered the waters of Mar-del-Plata and surrendered to authorities.

In 1946, Operation Highjump commenced as part of the U.S. Naval Antarctic Developments Project, organized by Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal.

The task force consisted of over 40 ships, including two destroyer class vessels and the aircraft carrier the U.S.S. Philippine Sea, and a number of planes that were outfitted with a trimetricon (a secret spying camera), a magnetometer (to record any magnetic anomalies), and the recently developed jet-assist takeoff bottles (JATO) which helped with takeoffs from the short runway on an aircraft carrier or for takeoffs on hard ice.

It has been long thought by researchers that the Navy’s mapping story was nothing more than a cover to shield the real operation.

They were looking for the underground Nazi base (Base-211) that warehoused German Vril flying discs known as flugscheiben and Thule mercury-powered spaceship prototypes also known as jenseitsflugmaschines.

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