The Trident of Poseidon

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It seems that everything is coming together. After reading this beautiful article from Eliza, I got inspired to write. Starting on the morning of the 15th of June, after a year living in this cottage, I see suddenly the trident of Poseidon on the wall of the bedroom, just next to my head. This means that it was only meant for me to see now.

It got me inspired to write about this and doing some research about the spiritual side of this trident symbol and I got some amazing results that will get me in the right direction. My surprise is that the trident is linked to dreaming as stated in this article : Dreams in the mystical process

As Poseidon rules over the waters it is also a symbol of deeper emotions and dreams. The trident also represents birth, life and death – body, mind and spirit – past, present and future.

The forces of our dreams are so amazing and so inspiring , also to know that dreams can reflect the inner state of your being but also can reflect of what is happening on the other side of the veil. Even though we believe that dreams are just dreams, we can’t deny that maybe the world we are living in , is a dream on itself and when we are in a dream state according to the laws of this 3-D world, maybe we are entering the real world by dreaming, breaking free of the chains of illusion that seems to be weighing us down right now. As I have dreamed for a long time and remember almost all my dreams, not to mentions that I didn’t write them all down, I feel the importance of these dreams, starting with the dream I had and still remember when I was six. During the years, sometimes dreams become merged into my illusion/reality , so vivid that I take them up as a fact. I remember being in between states of dreaming an awake and seeing so much wonderful things that both inspired me and sometimes also scared me, depending on what I saw.

So getting back to the trident on my wall, for me is a sign that my dreaming is becoming more than the state of dreaming. Meaning that I passed the gates into higher level of enlightenment. As the trident is a powerful  symbol for purification and spiritual advancement through dream work. You will surely agree with me that this path to enlightenment will be a forever process, there is always so much things to learn, so much to see.

I felt excitement of discovering this trident on the wall, it is for me a sign that we are guided into ventures that expands our universe and beyond, to multiple realities and dimensions, to go wherever our heart wants to go. Dream beyond dreaming. It is a sign to be guided to the next level, to the next step as guided in the article dreams in the mystical process.

As closure I want to present this dream I had on Friday the 13 leaving me with different set of inner body vibrations.

Dream friday the 13th

we are never alone

Love Lisa

Angela Artemis: The Role of Intuition in the Phases of Spiritual Awakening

Graham: Angela was my guest this week on The Brilliance Within. Click here to listen to the show:

By Angela Artemis,, April 12, 2014 –

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; We are spiritual beings having a human experience. –Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881 – 1955)

Everyone wants to live a bigger, better more fulfilling and meaningful life. And you can when you learn to listen and follow your intuition.

The role of intuition

Your intuition is guidance that comes directly from your higher self or as some prefer to call it the Soul. Your intuition speaks to you constantly whether you hear it or not. It is always trying to move you in the direction of your highest good by pushing you toward growth so that you can live the bigger life you dream of. When you are stuck in an unhappy point in your life, it’s because you’re not heeding the call from your intuition to grow from one phase of awakening to the next.

Finding your purpose

You came to this life with the instructions for what you are here to do inside of you. It is your job to discover those instructions and the meaning of your life so that you live the life you were meant for. Your intuition holds the key to discovering this purpose within you. An astrological reading of your life purpose will help point you in the right direction on this journey of discovery. As you follow your intuition you eventually come to realize that you are a spiritual being having an experience of being human and living in a body.

The more you allow your intuition to guide you the more your consciousness expands and the more empowered you will be to create the life you dream of.  This is why it’s important to understand the four levels of spiritual awakening and how intuition is the springboard from one level to the next.

The 4 levels of spiritual awakening.

1. Phase one: Asleep

In the first phase you live life from a victim perspective. Things happen in your life and you think, “Why does this always happen to me?” You blame others and your circumstances for the things that happen to you. You share your victim story over and over. Your life revolves around being “poor me.” You have no clue that you are capable of changing how you think. Your thoughts are in control of you instead of you being in control of your thoughts.

You receive sympathy from listeners for what you’ve been through and that perpetuates living life as a victim. It doesn’t occur to you to look for the meaning behind what has happened or how your thinking or behavior might have played a part in creating the upset in your life. You are not in touch with your intuition but every once in a while you feel a stirring inside and the thought occurs to you that there must be something more.

2. Phase two: Just waking-up

In phase two you begin waking up. You now hear your intuition more often. Coincidences occur with regularity and you begin to see how you are part of something bigger. You discover that you can choose your thoughts and don’t have to let your them take your life hostage. By managing what you focus upon you learn that you can create things in your life. Now you begin to see that you have more control over life than you were previously aware of in phase one.

You use your mind to get the mate you desire, car you want, the job you want, the house you want, etc.

And for a time you feel like a master of the universe until something happens that sinks you to your knees. Now you are being tested.

Do you revert back to phase one and react like a victim or do you make another leap in consciousness and grow? This is a critical point. Many vacillate here, going back and forth between phase one and two for their entire lives.

Getting past phase two is where lots of people get stuck.

To go beyond phase two you must grow in consciousness to accept that you are the captain of your ship. You need to know and believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that your life is the visible out-picturing of your choices and beliefs up to that point. You must make the leap in consciousness to realize that you choose by your thinking, everything in your life both good and bad. You must begin to listen to those intuitive whispers from the soul and allow them to guide you in order to grow.

3.  Phase three: Awake

In phase three you become permanently aware that you are a spiritual being having a human experience. Your intuition has led you to discover your purpose. Your intuition is loud and clear and you’ve gained  great faith in this powerful voice to always be there to guide you.

You know that there is more to life than you can see with the eye and that there is a purpose and meaning for your life. You live with the joy of knowing that you are a creator!

You feel empowered that you can do and be and have anything. You see life as a force working for you not against you. While you still encounter problems, no matter what happens there is an unshakeable confidence and peace inside that carries you over difficulties. You never feel alone because your connection to guidance through your intuition is now so strong.

When you do experience challenges, they are far fewer and resolved much more quickly.  And you are now more capable of dealing with problems without being emotionally entrapped by the circumstances. You now recognize your innate power and live from a place of making awakened choices.

The fears that held you back in the past are gone. A continuous joy bubbles up from within you and you want to share this joy with others. You love your life. You feel a strong desire to be of service and to help lift others from where they are to where you are.

4. Phase four: Fully awakened

In this highest phase you don’t just know intellectually that you are a spiritual being, you are the embodiment of it. You see all things as possible. Your intuition is a seamless part of your being from which you receive one inspired idea after another. You live from a state of enlightened awareness of the oneness and interconnectedness of life. You are at peace and nothing disturbs this peace. You exude love and your mere presence is healing to others.

This state may be one that you have had brief moments of though and having had one taste you will want to experience it again. If you are lucky enough to reach this state and stay there you are highly evolved.

This is probably not where you are in consciousness and it is certainly not where I am either. But if you can’t get past phase two there’s little chance of ever reaching phase four anyway. The critical element in not getting stuck in an endless loop between phase one and phase two is to listen to your intuition so that you grow into phase three where you are creating your life by design and not by default.