SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey. December 19, 2014


We come to you for the last time this year, one that like others before it has sped by as time continues to flow faster than ever.

Some of whom have experienced the ups and downs of life for a long time, are no doubt pleased particularly now that the end of this cycle is here. Naturally the end times are chaotic as the changes take place, but it is no easy task to bring them in when so much negativity is being cleared.

However, the higher energies are bringing in the positive changes, and already they are being felt. As we have often advised you, the coming year will be notable for the implementation of many of them although we will be restricted in what we do, until the Illuminati are placed where they can no longer interfere with your progress. Much is happening that will lead to complete victory over the dark Ones, who will be unable to follow their plan for the imprisonment of Man.

The coming of the City of Light, Sedona will open the way to more developments that will show beyond any doubt that the New Age has arrived. At a time yet to be defined, World Peace will be declared and maintained through the presence of the Galactic Federation.

Through enforced governmental changes, more souls of the Light will take up positions of importance that will ensure they are seen through as intended and in no way impeded or denied. The End Times of this cycle are of utmost importance to your future, and we will ensure that they proceed in accordance with the wishes of God. Unlike previous cycles, this one will be fulfilled because you are ready for a great leap forward into the Light.

There is only the One Creator of All That Is, and the One God of this Universe regardless of the different names by which they are known. Therefore you are One with All That Is and it is worth noting when you are challenged over your beliefs. Eventually all will understand and accept the truth of your origins, and it will be so wherever you travel in the higher dimensions of the Universe.

Ahead of you there are numerous opportunities to seek as you desire, and explore the magnificence of life forms in abundance. On Earth you have led a very restricted life and other civilisations have not been allowed to interfere with the Greater Plan for your evolution.

Of necessity you have however made limited contact with Extra-terrestrials and become familiar with seeing their craft in your skies. You will make full contact in the course of time, but much has to take place before it is possible. The interim period will be exciting for you as you rapidly move forward in your evolution.

Now is the time for all Lightworkers and all souls to maintain their present level of evolution, and know that anyone may at any time take a giant leap forward. Know that all souls will eventually find their correct place in the Universe, that will enhance their plans to continue moving ever onwards.

Naturally in the higher dimensions time does not exist as you now know it, and you will find everything is in the Now. These levels are not entirely strange to you as you came from them before you agreed to experience the lower vibrations. In other words you are all experiencing as you agreed to do so, but the long cycle in the lower dimensions is now coming to a close as the new one takes prominence.

Most of you have led many, many lives at all different levels as part of your experiences in the lower vibrations. You have also experienced many different roles according to which ones offered you the best opportunities to evolve. Be assured you will have had grand lives of having all that you needed, but also experienced “lack” so that you kept a balance where your needs are concerned.

Eventually your experiences will be finely balanced and you will not seek riches beyond your needs, but simply sufficient to meet your circumstances. In the higher dimensions the same challenges do not exist, as you will eventually have the power of thought to manifest exactly according to your needs, and more when necessary. The higher dimensions are your true home and a multitude of different experiences await you, according to your desires.

Your task is to now be positive regardless of what happens around you, and help others through the coming period so that they may understand what is happening. Your presence can lift others up by bringing a calmness into their lives, so that they too can help. It will not be very long before it becomes apparent that changes are occurring that are beneficial to the whole.

The most important of them will occur when the Press is able to report events accurately and truthfully, where previously they were controlled by the Illuminati and their minions. Television news is also unreliable but it too will change in a relatively short time. For many years you have been deliberately misled, and often fed absolute lies to enable the dark Ones to manipulate events that have affected your future. These situations will eventually cease to cause you problems and then you will enjoy a new found freedom.

We meantime carry out our tasks with joy knowing that your freedom from the oppression of the dark Ones is getting nearer. You have served your time in the lower vibrations, and now you will not need to look back as your progress will be assured. The magnitude of the changes to come will surprise most souls, and we feel privileged to be present at such a momentous time in your evolution.

You have the most wonderful future ahead of you, and are destined to join us if that is your desire. With your experience you have qualifications that will enable you to serve the Light in many capacities. You will be driven by your desire to be of service to others, but in no way will it limit your ambition or need to have new experiences. In the higher vibrations your life span will be greatly lengthened, so that you can embark on tasks that require more of your time.

Dear Ones, walk tall and do not be pulled down by whatever is going on around you. You are an Island of Light and have the capacity to spread Love and Harmony wherever you are. Your presence will uplift others, and your vibrations will spread a gentle uplifting energy that will bring a settled and happy feeling to others.

All people at heart want to help others, but often they cannot meet the demands placed upon them. Do what you can even if it is just a few kind words, as these will lift people up. Once you are centered in Light you will be naturally spreading it around you and it will embrace people that are some distance from you. The Light is the most powerful force in the Universe, but at this point in time you are nowhere near to approaching your true potential.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and send you greetings and wishes at this time of your year, when you can enjoy the festive celebrations with your friends and family. Exciting times lie ahead and a New Year that promises so much.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey

SaLuSa. Channelled by Mike Quinsey.

December 19,

SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey: October 17, 2014. Posted by Andrew Eardley on October 17, 2014 / Commen

SaLuSa: Channelled by Mike Quinsey. October 17, 2014.

If ever you needed proof of the weather changes that are taking place, you only have to look back at the difference now to what it was just some 50 years ago.

The changes are dramatic and do not appear to follow any particular pattern and at times seem chaotic. Yet the changes are not random happenings, but leading to a more acceptable pattern and one that ensures that the extremes you usually experience no longer occur.

Around you the chaos is another sign of what is happening, although much of it is karmic as old problems between people and even nations are sorted out. Yes, it is an unsettling time but it is necessary as you might say, to clear out the rubbish that will have no place in the higher vibrations.

Your individual role is to clear out your own “rubbish” to enable you to take your place in the New Age, and enjoy all of the changes that will lift mankind to a higher level. If it is your desire to be part of the changes, your intent will carry you along and attract Guides who will assist you.

We have often told you that nothing happens by chance, and it is worth bearing in mind as you might otherwise feel that you are at the mercy of random events. Where your own life is concerned there is always a plan that will enable you to evolve, so no opportunity should be wasted. You proceed at a rate that is agreed with your Guides who will help you to achieve success, however you always have freewill and the final decision is yours.

Clearly if you desire to evolve you will do what is necessary to be successful, and that often means following your intuition without necessarily knowing the purpose. Of course some experiences take place to clear any karmic debts that you may have, so with this in mind it would serve you well to accept such situations with good heart. Nothing happens without good reason, so make the best of such opportunities. This is a time for forgiveness for all perceived wrongs against you, and bear in mind that all experiences are of value.

Good news rarely features in your media’s reports, and we can assure you that there is a trend for more people to help others who are in need. The feeling of Oneness is spreading with the realisation that you “are your brother’s keeper” although some beliefs are so powerful that the differences are totally maintained.

In such circumstances souls with such pronounced beliefs are born into countries where they can best learn their lessons and that “All Are One”. This is why wars still continue and would only normally cease when peace is seen as the only way forward. As one who is more aware, your presence can be very helpful when by example you live life as it should be, in peace and harmony with all living Beings. Indeed, by living your beliefs you are helping others simply by being amongst them. Your Light will most likely attract others to you who desire to know how you can live at peace, when often chaos is all around you.

As you have become to realise, we are keeping a close eye on those who could destroy the Earth if their activities were left unchecked. The Illuminati and their minions are carefully monitored and they cannot do anything without our knowledge. You can therefore be assured that there will be no major incidents of destruction, and certainly no wars other than small disputes.

Our role is to lead you safely to a peaceful conclusion, and then circumstances will allow us to openly come to Earth. It will be a great time of rejoicing and revelations that will clear up the mysteries of your past history. You have been deliberately kept in the dark, and held back from advancements that would have immensely improved your quality of life. It is as if you have been locked in a time capsule where time has stood still. This will all change in the near future and you will be amazed at how quickly you will make up for lost time.

Think big where your future is concerned, as you will find your consciousness expanding more quickly as you enter the higher vibratory rate. You will be astonished at the extent of changes that will see you enter a New Age of peace and prosperity. The fruits of the Earth will be more than ample for your needs, and sharing will become normal and there will be sufficient for everyone’s needs.

New inventions that are being held back will be released, and the drudgery and hard work to survive will become a thing of the past. The world will open up to you and travel will become quite normal, where distant places can be easily reached in next to no time. It will of course mean that new forms of travel will have been introduced, and much of your present means will have become obsolete. It is going to be an exciting time for everyone and the changes will happen quite quickly with our help.

At a time when it is difficult to comprehend where events are leading to, we hope we have lifted you up by giving you an insight into the future. Nothing can stop the plan for your future and we are as you might say, raring to go and looking forward to bringing you into the New Age.

Previous cycles have ended in major changes that have put Humanity back to commence another new one. This time you have completed a Solar Cycle successfully, and those of you who have lifted up your vibrations will continue to evolve as you enter the New Age. Every soul will find itself exactly where it is best placed to continue its experiences.

We know that such statements cause some concern within family groups that wish to stay together. We would like to assure you that there are usually strong ties within them, and it would be unusual if they did not progress as one unit. However, you will find that as you evolve you will be drawn to groups of a like vibration, where you will continue to evolve until you find the need for a different experience.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and I enjoy my time with you and look forwards to meeting many of you in the near future. Time itself will not have the same effect on you as now, and in a manner of speaking will no longer rule your life. There are so many welcome changes that await you, and once we are able to introduce ourselves we shall all go speeding along into the New Age that holds so much for you.

Keep looking ahead and know that your life is one story that has a happy ending.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey