Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation via Sheldan Nidle: November 4, 2014

Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation via Sheldan Nidle, November 4, 2014

8 Akbal, 1 Xul, 11 Ik

Dratzo! We arrive! Your surface realm is now in the throes of a final struggle between the dark cabal and the forces of the Light.

This seemingly never-ending battle has gone on for decades and centuries. Way back in the final days of Rome, the Anunnaki swiftly made a smooth transition from emperors to kings. It used its abilities to sway and influence these new rulers and maintain a degree of incendiary combat throughout Europe.

The same was done in Asia, the Americas and Africa. This turmoil is how the dark operates. It loathes peace and despises anyone who wishes to change this horrendous game. Our earthly allies realize that the dark overlords are gone. What is left is a group of foolish minions, arrogant and stubborn, who continue their childish maneuvers as their only gambit.

The dark knows many ways to engage our earthly allies. Nevertheless, this strategy is no longer applicable. All that it does is work the dark into a corner from which it cannot escape. This present dilemma is one that dooms the dark to its inevitable defeat.

We are presently seeing the signs of this doom at play. Before the treaty of Anchara, the dark cabal intended to drive the Anunnaki away, to complete its final defiance of Heaven’s edicts by mid 1996. The Anunnaki are gone as their overall leaders. What happened was a massive international war fought with money, impudence, and overwhelming chicanery.

This previously worked wonderfully, given the ability of the dark to manipulate any given situation. But this strategy began to fail in the second decade of this century. The Light began to comprehend how we were able to force the dark into failure after failure.

The Light used these missteps to its advantage and revealed evidence that was legally used against the dark. In the last years, this led the dark to see its casino capitalism to be somewhat curtailed and the power of its fiat dollar diminished in value. Moreover, this strategy is backfiring as the truth behind its numerous lies is revealed and evidence to arrest them increases.

As a result, the dark cabal is at a crossroads. Its old successful methods no longer work. Its final strategies are quickly failing, and its continual attempts to start a war in the Middle East are not working. They are likewise unable to brew up a good-sized war in other potential global hot spots.

In addition, the vast over-speculation in precious metals is also failing to prevent the rise of new global precious metal based currencies. The pressure to revalue a number of currencies has been held up for about as long as possible. The Light and its many agents are quickly causing the dark to lose large amounts of its many stock and commodity portfolios.

The resultant ‘price fixings’ are enabling the Light to force a number of serious investigations that are deeply worrying the cabal. Nevertheless, that is the least of it. Our legal-based emissaries set up the means to bring down these heinous rapscallions. The cabal’s crazy reaction is a sudden rash of odd ‘suicides’ involving key members of the cabal-controlled large financial service corporations.

These acts are an outward sign of their pure panic, which is now causing them to strike out and hope that their actions can delay the inevitable. The global mind control net over the world’s governments is failing. Elements in the Light’s forces are making it quite clear that the old ways do not work anymore. The many de facto regimes, long controlled by these fiends, are beginning to desert them.

The schemes for permanent world domination are slipping away forever. The time for their surrender approaches. Our Earth allies are finishing various agreements that are on the verge of ending the long hegemony enjoyed by these dark ones.

As governments prepare to leave them, many large multinational banks are desperately readying to surrender in order to save themselves from the coming new financial system and its inherent transparencies. As the police used to say to their respective bad guys, “surrender, the jig is up!” The time for your grand celebrations is drawing very, very near!

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come here with more insights into what is now happening. Our various associates in Asia and Europe continue to make great progress in defeating the schemes of the dark cabal.

Our associates are very close to a number of vital breakthroughs, which are to spell a blessed end to a number of attempts by the dark to start wars, spread disease, and generally wreak havoc upon this most sacred realm. These actions are set to bring down the last key vestiges of this cabal and allow the Light to carry out a series of important projects.

These developments are to permit the Light to make possible the funding of a number of humanitarian projects. These projects are to help stamp out future attempts by the dark to spread its vile pestilence across this globe. Another is to allow for a global currency reset and the rise of precious metal backed monies. These are just the start of what is to follow.

Changes to this realm are just the next steps that mark the final part of your journey to return Gaia and yourselves to your natural states of existence.

Thousands of years ago, our ancestors were thrust into a dualistic realm, run by the Anunnaki. They inherently knew that this realm was to take just a brief turn toward the dark. This twist was a part of Heaven’s plan to bring peace to this galaxy.

The Anunnaki, however, had another set of plans. These Beings dearly wished to somehow make the temporary dark twist more permanent. Heaven knew that this could well happen. Their answer was to begin to bring Avatars of the Light to these realms to ultimately foil the Anunnaki’s plans. We Ascended Masters are the last step in Heaven’s grand plan to counter the schemes of the Anunnaki and their faithful minions.

As you can see, Heaven and the Light succeeded in their strategy to seed this surface realm with followers of the Light. Consequently, you are on the verge of many great changes that are to set you divinely on your final journey to full consciousness.

This coming time is when you are to be able to see a series of sacred events; events that are to transform the very way this reality operates. With Heaven’s guidance, our blessed task is to oversee the events that are already starting to manifest. At first, they will have a scattered effect. Then a veritable avalanche is to follow.

The underlying aim is to heal Gaia and your societies of all the harm and deceit created by the dark. This bunch of rapscallions delayed your promised blessing by the use of lies, provocations and force. This time is over. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!

Today, we explained what is happening. We ask that you remain patient. Events are ready to occur, to change your world, and return it to the Light. This means a new financial system and new governance. This is to be topped off by a mass landing, which is a part of our first-contact mission. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

To view this message at the source, click here: http://www.paoweb.com/sn110414.htm

Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation via Sheldan Nidle: October 28, 2014

Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation via Sheldan Nidle, October 28, 2014

1 Cib, 14 Tzec, 11 Ik

Selamat Jalwa! (Be in Everlasting Joy!) We come to you feeling joyous! Events continue to move forward. The time comes to bring forth announcements accompanied by the beginnings of a global prosperity.

Several nations dedicated to bringing you a new financial system are ready to make a series of vital announcements that are to change forever how your realm uses its many currencies. In addition, a number of up-to-now secret gold and silver depositories are ready to put your global economy back to a worldwide precious metal standard.

These events are to cause a temporary deflation once the new currieries are in place. Global fair trade can begin in earnest. These changes are to set the way for new governance. The corrupt and one-sided policies of government are to cease as the globe returns to a general standard of cooperation and world peace. It is time to alter how your world is run and prepare each of you to become participants in how government operates. This is just the first step to your many new responsibilities.

The world, which is now envisioned by Heaven, is to become fully participatory. You are to be educated by your Ascended Masters and by the temporary leaders of your national and local governments in a number of new realities. Further, the law is to switch to common law and to a faithful following in the intent and wordings of your constitution. This process is to be both fruitful and confusing to many.

This new epoch is to culminate in our arrival and your transformation into fully conscious Beings of Light. The present is therefore a critical time in this process. The globe is changing from a place run ruthlessly by a series of dark masters to one where you can freely and responsibly express yourselves. This new realm is one in which you need to better understand what is to be expected of you. Hence, it is necessary that a period of weeks and months be employed to assist you in this grand transfer of power from the dark to the Light and each one of you.

You are to be readied to become mature, able Beings of Light, who gladly accept all that is expected of you. This process, as we have stated, requires you to take on a great deal of new knowledge and learn how best to use it to carry out the marvel of your life contract. You are to be provided with the counseling you need to carry this out successfully.

The universe is about success, joy and an honoring of who you are. Each success leads to another. You are to build up a quiet confidence and to understand how this process operates. These energies drive our numerous galactic societies. The degree of mutual love and respect constantly grows.

We know how each individual works to provide for the greater One. This grand sacred collective encompasses all humans and all Beings of Light. Out of it comes a divine service, which aids the Divine in unfolding the divine plan for physicality. We are deeply dedicated to this, and come to return you to your true and natural state.

This shift in your consciousness is just the start. Your present state of limited consciousness dropped your body and mind frequencies to an extremely low level. Heaven has been gradually raising this over the last four decades. Yet you are still far below the minimums required. This is why you need to use a Crystal Light Chamber to regain full consciousness. Full consciousness makes you knowledgeable about Spirit and the infinite realms of Heaven.

During your three days in this living marvel, you are to discover your origins and become privy to your previous life contacts. You are also to learn about your Soul family and why you initially migrated to this solar system. You are here as a special collective, to look after Gaia and her many sister worlds. Once this solar system is restored, you are to learn about the amazing diversity of life that exists not only on this world, but also on the other water worlds in this Solar System. Much lies ahead for you to learn and master!

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We arrive with much good news! Our associates are now completing a number of projects which are to lead to the distribution of all funds. At present, the last emissaries of the dark are doing everything they can to block this vital, sacred process. This operation is not to be stopped. The Agarthans and our space family are busily intervening and turning back the heinous acts used by these emissaries to prevent the proper delivery of your blessings.

Our main heavenly counsels are most pleased with how these events are going. These things are also to lead to new governance, accompanied by a new prosperity-oriented financial system. These coming events are to aid in a broad healing of Gaia and your various societies. What is next is for us to put together and then present a number of specific lessons on the new realities. These are to set the stage for a number of subsequent events.

These coming events are to feature a global disclosure of not only our blessed space family, but also a full disclosure of Inner Earth. These new realities require that you open your hearts and minds to an entirely new picture of your living home, Gaia. Inner Earth is home to Agartha and its capital of Shamballah.

Many religious societies have long known of Agartha and how the Anunnaki and their Earthy minions hid these realities from all of surface humanity. Those avatars sent to you by the Agarthans paved the way for us to find a secure refuge in these most gracious lands. Once there, we discovered a land of blessed ones who deeply support our mission to you. To aid this mission, the Agarthans send special Beings to explore the realities of your realm and assist us when necessary. We are most grateful for their actions.

The time ahead is to be one of specific actions to prepare you for the start of a prosperous and Light-directed realm. This realm is to reconnect to its ancestors in Inner Earth and restore direct relations with your spiritual and space families. Remember, dear Hearts, the long dark night of the Soul is ending. Heaven tells you that a time approaches to return to full consciousness. This process is to be completed in a number of simple steps.

The initial ones are currently under way. When these first steps are completed, you are to be judged ready for first contact. Daily, we practice special prayers and ceremonies directed to the swift successes of these initial steps. Here, we ask you to graciously focus your energies along with ours to achieve these divine successes for this realm. Let us all be free and prosperous in this realm! Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!

Today, we continued our messages. Let this one lead to prayer and a grand focus by you so that this global collective of humanity be set free and achieve the resources to carry out its grand destiny. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

To view this message at the source, click here: http://www.paoweb.com/sn102814.htm

Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation via Sheldan Nidle: September 23, 2014

Sheldan Nidle 2014

Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation Update, as received by Sheldan Nidle, September 23, 2014 – http://paoweb.com/sn092314.htm

5 Imix, 19 Zip, 11 Ik

Dratzo! We come on this day with good news! The various programs to change your life and to reset the world’s currencies continue to show progress. We are pleased that the final attempts by the dark cabal have failed.

The end of September is to be a time noted for prosperity, freedom and the rise of a successful world peace movement. Many governments on your world are approaching a point where sudden change is inevitable. These changes are being caused by the increasing pressure being put on the dark cabal to concede its defeat and begin to cooperate with our earthly allies. We are watching the result of literally two decades of pressure.

The new monetary system is part of a fresh financial system that is dovetailing with the distribution of your world’s prosperity funds. Together, these two movements are changing the way your world operates. This series of changes is only the beginning; NESARA in America and a global movement tied to it are to change your reality forever.

 The coming changes are part of a process leading inevitably to first contact. The initial part of this is presently underway. The developing prosperity and the increase of freedoms globally are as well to further the conditions leading to formal disclosure. We understand how shocking the announcements are that you hear daily from your leaders. These announcements are to transform the very nature of your governance and to prepare you for the broadcasts that permit us to later talk to you directly.

Once we can address you, we intend to cover a broad series of subjects. You have been given only brief information which you first learned in school, and later had this expanded by your book reading and listening to a variety of programs on your television. You need to learn about your true off-world origins and how you came to be a resident of the surface of Gaia. Then, you are ready to meet your Agarthan neighbors and, of course, us.

The landings are to be global in scope. We have been constantly determining and then checking on the condition of our designated landing areas. Whenever there is some unusual degree of change to these sites, we simply select new ones. So far, we have altered only 11% of our preselected sites. Most of these changes are due to expansion in urban areas. New housing or shopping centers seem to spring up at our site locations in highly urbanized areas.

Rural areas remain open for decades. Regardless of these discrepancies, our landing craft remain accounted for. We have not been forced to limit the number of scout ships to be used. The order and methods used are now designed for each selected site. In addition, we are ready to teleport our mentors to you. Each mentor is to contact you telepathically before they appear before you. This preliminary conversation is to acquaint you with us and present you with a brief introduction of our various protocols.

The key to your transformation is your budding relationship with your mentor. This relationship is like that of a therapist to a patient. Trust is an important part of this journey. A number of very frank interactions are to happen when you look at your childhood, your Akashic records and your current life contract. A vast number of epigenetic incidents in past and current lives need to be discussed openly and frankly.

You need to clear these things to set up your three-day journey in your crystal Light Chamber. We intend you to have had a number of incident-clearing sessions so you can glimpse the extent of what your three-day transformational journey is to cover. There is a vast network of energetic and mind-controlling machines that have filled you with beliefs that need to be cleared from your mental, emotional and physical bodies. The mentor’s job is to clear these with your help. As we said, these are preliminary to what you are to encounter in the Crystal Chambers.

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come with good things to report! Our various associates are continuing to move forward. We are very close to the global reset and the accompanying revaluation of the world’s currencies. These events are to be tied in with the rise of a worldwide precious metal standard. The improprieties of the world’s major banks, as well as a vast corruption of the world’s governments, means that a grand financial revolution is now needed to purge this realm of the dark cabal.

This process is ready to yield major arrests and new governance. The coming prosperity and new international banking regulations are to clean up this abhorrent mess and bless this realm with an endless prosperity. Your freedom and sovereignty are to arise from all that is presently happening. We have been blessed by Heaven to finish this sacred task and then welcome those who helped us to succeed!

What is occurring here is a great blessing! We have worked diligently to assure your success. Heaven has smiled on our efforts and permitted us to have the means to overcome the dark and its numerous minions. Every day we pray and spend hours healing this realm. Many of you are frustrated by what has seemingly taken an endless time to get done. Do not lose faith! Miracles are happening! The dark, once seemingly so omnipotent, is now quickly fading.

The Light increases in strength each and every day. Be proud of what we have accomplished together. Each of your prayers and meditations has greatly aided this divine cause. Hence, together we have gathered the means to triumph. Remain positive and thoroughly focused on victory! The dark, as noted, is fading. We are on the verge of great things!

We, your Ascended Masters, are wishing you well, and working to finish off this most well-deserved victory. Be proud of what you are accomplishing. You are moving an entire realm to the very edge of its ascension. This is no small task. We all honor you for your achievements. As the coming time approaches, be happy and be most satisfied with what you are accomplishing.

We simply ask you to stay focused and to know deep in your heart that you are there. This time of victory is to forever transform this beautiful orb and reunite you with your entire spiritual and galactic family. You are even to reassume your position in this most glorious family. We thank you and graciously bless you. Your grand sacred time has come! The dark has lost and now we can all come together and celebrate this grand victory! Hallelujah!

Today, we rejoice! We have given you another overview of the present circumstances. Be patient. The best is now to come. We leave you this week in joy. Soon, you are to meet your spiritual and galactic families. Be happy and remain focused on the prize! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It!

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation via Sheldan Nidle: June 24, 2014

sheldan nidle

Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation Update, as received by Sheldan Nidle, June 24, 2014 – http://www.paoweb.com/sn062414.htm

5 Oc, 13 Kayab, 10 Caban

Selamat Balik! We come to you on this date with good news! The dark’s network of minions is facing defeat. The Light has come to the conclusion that it is unwise to permit these scoundrels to continue. The governments that these minions occupy are totally dedicated to preventing the dark’s nefarious financial dealings from ever failing.

Hence, it is most wise to oust these drones from power. The key to this is the new financial system, which has only been partially revealed. This new monetary program is to end fiat monies and obliterate those central banks which strongly support this worthless system.

In addition, the new precious metal-backed monies are to usher in the reasons for declaring NESARA in North America and GESARA throughout this globe.

The new government is to be a temporary one. Its purpose is to set the stage for a globe filled with numerous de jure governments whose prime convention is serve their people and pave the way for a global prosperity. These governments are also to release technologies which are to clean your waters, air and ground of the pestilence produced by the destructive industries of the dark.

These governments are to allow the Ascended Masters to directly address you and permit the decades-long UFO cover-up to cease. We look forward to being able to address you and prepare you for first contact. This realm has for too long been lied to about its true origins and your true ancestry.

You are Beings who are descended from colonists sent nearly 900,000 years ago to Gaia for one overriding reason to act as Gaia’s guardian and, along with the Cetaceans, to keep Gaia’s diverse ecosystems flourishing. This prime purpose is one which you are to take on again, and use your grand abilities to maintain this living orb and her many and unique life forms.

Moreover, you are to forge a grand star nation filled with wondrous life forms and truly amazing environments. You are to discover the secrets behind how this living solar system was created, and to use this wisdom to produce wonders and miracles, to be a foundation for a permanent galactic peace and for the final transformation of the Anchara continuum to the Light.

Indeed, first contact is a great dividing point for your society. Before, you were a group of limited consciousness Beings who were led by a dark global alliance. This cabal is now to be replaced. In its stead a contact is to arrive and push you to the very edge of a transformation as to how you view yourselves, your world, and even how you spiritually conceive your origins. This grand watershed is to be the point where you confront your beliefs and begin to accept radically new ones.

In this interregnum you are to meet us and discover how you came to be. All of this is merely preliminary to what is to happen when you slide into your Light Chamber. At that point, you are to meet your True Self and unlock you ability to swiftly return to full consciousness in just three days time.

The task of our mentors is to arrive, meet with you and take you on an inner journey, which leads to the magic moment when you attain full consciousness. Their task is then to teach you the etiquette required to successfully navigate this new fully conscious reality.

As fully conscious Beings, you gladly take on the various points of Gaia’s divine stewardship. These responsibilities are delineated in numerous life contracts, which each of you agreed to when you originally migrated to this beautiful blue orb. These spiritual documents are to be discovered when you can freely navigate your Akashic Records.

In this light, you are to dedicate your divine service to maintain and preserve each aspect of a reintegrated and fully conscious Mother Earth. In this sacred task, you are to be joyously joined by your Agarthan and Cetacean brethren. This divine union is also to join with others in this solar system to forge a new star nation.

This star nation is to be a reflection of the very divine nature of Gaia. You are then to receive honoring and special tasks to complete the transformation of this galaxy to the Light. You are to be blessed by all of us and to become a grand center for various conferences. These conferences are to include Beings from across this sector of physicality. You indeed possess a most glorious destiny!!!

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Spirit has moved upon the Earth and brought to us a most amazing gift! This sacred gift is your freedom and a divine prosperity, which enables you to begin your final quest. This quest leads to full consciousness, a sublime state that allows you to reconnect totally with your spiritual family. There is much for you to learn. Spirit has forged a moment when you are to discover how all the evidence you have amassed fits together.

We are shortly to give you a foundation to better understand what Spirit is to tell you. This foundation is to renovate your conceptions about life and to ready you for what Heaven is so graciously to give you. Even now, Heaven is assembling its evidence and preparing to present many wondrous things to you. These things go beyond the blessings of the Angels. They go to the highest places in AEON. You are blessedly special and hence are to be given some magnificent decrees to smooth your path to success!

As you look at the dispensations given you, recall this one blessing: “Go my children, and be the ones to return this precious Earth to her former state of Glory.” You are here to reform the Earth and give her reason for a grand “makeover.” This is something which is profound and blessed. Take this dispensation and ready yourselves for divine service.

The Creator speaks and sends you means to become whole again. Rejoice in this and know it is your fate to again become a physical Angel. Your seemingly endless years of wandering this Earth as a tool of the dark are over! Spirit desires for you to become spiritually aware and able to understand who you are and why you are here.

This knowledge is the key to understand why the dark has lost its hold over you. You, Blessed children, are the reason behind a massive rebirth of this Earth, and you, one of her most blessed subjects, are ready to transition into full consciousness!

Full consciousness is something the dark disguised. Atlantean priests and priestesses stole it from you as a way to produce a willing slave race for their dark masters. That which was so surreptitiously taken from you is now to be returned. This one process is to rejoin Mother Earth into a unified whole and use this orb to alter and recolonize the four water planets of this solar system.

This grand blessing by the Elohim is to allow you to become the guardians of a most splendid star nation. Our supervision is blessedly to guide you in making this come about. Your divine destiny is tied inextricably to ours. We were given this divine state of immortal joy only to act as your ardent wayshowers.

In this, we are here to permit you to grow in consciousness and assist your fellows in the grand overthrow of the dark and its vile agendas. So, be wise, be strong and be prepared for what is now happening!

Today is yet another example of our messages to you. Remain ready and prepared to do what is spiritually necessary for your freedom. A great prosperity and a great shift in this reality are upon you. Your spiritual and space families are here, and liberation is to be proclaimed throughout this realm. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours!

So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation via Sheldan Nidle: August 12, 2014

sheldan nidleSpiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation Update, as received by Sheldan Nidle, August 12, 2014 – http://paoweb.com/sn081214.htm

2 Cauac, 17 Pop, 11 Ik

Selamat Balik! We return! Your world is now in the midst of a process which is to release those funds concerned with what is called currency re-evaluation. This process concerns a number of currencies which need to reclaim various monies that were involved in off country currency exchanges.

Along with these needed exchanges are the beginnings of the actual delivery of the many “prosperity programs.” These funds are to be the forerunner of an operation to lead to the proclaiming of NESARA in the United States. The reason for this sudden movement of funds is due to the special actions of our earthly allies. They have been able to corner enough of the cabal’s “generals” to permit this action to finally start.

The rise of new governance coincides with a series of actions which are defeating the various monetary strategies of the dark cabal. Over the past few months, these brave fellows have forced the defeat of the dark and allowed a new monetary policy to work its magic. Fiat money, upon which the dark built its strength, is beginning to fade and has rapidly been surpassed by new monies built upon the rising gold standard.As noted in earlier messages, a vast sea of gold is being readied for its worldly unveiling. The world’s ancient families concealed this gold in hidden places. These families are dedicated to the Light, and wish only to aid Guan Yin and Saint Germain in bringing forth a global prosperity tied to a new age of Light and freedom.

What is occurring now are the final steps in a vast, complex strategy to bring peace, prosperity and natural sovereignty to all. Eons ago, Heaven gave the dark a timetable to rule the surface of Gaia. This abomination is now to end. The transitions needed to do this are well underway. The dark cabal is to answer for its crimes by being denied power, which these monies can easily provide.

Instead, they are to suffer for what they have done by watching their wealth and power disappear. The age of imaginary, easily manipulated fiat money is over. The time comes for a return to an endless supply of real money based upon the true value of gold and silver.

These changes are to bring in an age of disclosure. You are not only to see a vast series of suppressed inventions paraded before you, but also a full disclosure about us, ending a decades-long UFO cover-up. This initial cover-up came into play because we represented a threat not only to the continued power of the various dark governments, but also to their overlords, the various Anunnaki tribes.

Since time immemorial the Anunnuki had sequestered a whole slew of earthly-born technologies. They considered this a means to undermine the principles given you for your carefully adjusted religion and science. The Anunnaki and their minions do not intend to produce a sliver of valid opposition to the pap given you over the millennia.

Theirs was a special set of precepts to control, and when necessary, manipulate events as they so wished. This mutual admiration society began to develop rips when the Anchara continuum declared peace. This action forced the Anunnaki to abandon their dark ways and command their minions to do likewise.

Since this happened in 1995, the dark minions have carried on a silent war for global power. This war is now failing. The Light is winning. The prosperity and new governance are ready to be announced. When this starts to occur, know in your heart that a number of parallel actions are happening. The fiat monetary system is to fall and be replaced by a gold-backed one. The current supremacy of the US dollar is to end.

A number of regional currencies are then to come to the fore. This is to be the start of a transition to a new true value currency. Our initial task is to announce ourselves to be here and benevolent. We are to give you technology that weans you from your need to farm and manufacture. The true sentient mind seeks a divine education, based upon the truths of existence and the way of AEON.

It seeks to become fully conscious and be a true servant to all Creation! We come in this light and ask you, as commanded by the Creator, to join us and take your divine gifts to the stars! We are therefore here to heed your wishes and lead you to full consciousness! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come on this day with much good news! Our various associates are finishing off the means to issue the RV and to set up the new ways to deliver the prosperity programs. These actions are to begin to move the wealth of this world. You are to benefit from what is needed to be done to shift great wealth from the denizens of the dark to the supporters of the Light.

We bless you and ask that you take these monies and use them to make this realm better for all. Let your inner wishes for healing centers, depositories for Light, and so forth come into fruition. Educate the public about what you know. Expand their awareness of the grand physical and spiritual changes happening throughout this globe!

Let the Light be known in its many glories. The moment arrives! The dark has long proclaimed its so-called truths! Let you now send out your blessings and inner truths. Be in a grand Oneness and tap into what Heaven desires for you to proclaim!

As the various monies are received by you, bear in mind that your sudden gift of wealth carries with it a divine purpose. Each day, when you wake with this wealth, plan carefully how you wish to apply it. Each organization that you found or fund is to further the way of the Light. A broad strategy is to be laid out by us.

A grand blessing is given to you for your endeavors. A tree of Light is manifesting, with each of you as a branch. Be ready to use your daily meditations and prayers to give you the clarity needed for this work. We intend to take our blessings to you and assist you, in our way, to direct these funds to good use.

Those who are to forge new governance have been made aware of what needs to be done first. These initial orders are to set the foundation for what is to follow. This new structure is to phase into the new economic system that is nearly ready to manifest.

Long ago, the dark plunged us all into the terror that is limited consciousness. We are now able to adjust to its limits and realize that this dark time is nearly over. Heaven permitted us to gradually return to our natural state after lifetimes of trial and error. Our task is therefore to assist and guide you through what remains of this present state of humanity.

Heaven sends you its sacred children to aid us all in making this glorious transition safely and swiftly. Our system of planets and sun need to be restored so that we can again occupy the four grand water planets once found here. Many of you still remember when these other worlds existed as habitable lands.

We are to return to these as our base for moving out into physicality. There is still much which Heaven expects us to do! This galaxy is only our first step in carrying out the sacred edicts of Heaven! Blessings to you and to the All High Creator!

Today, we continued our messages. Many great events are now forming. These events are to allow you to transform and unify the realms of Inner and surface Earth. Our fleet awaits what is shortly to happen. The Agarthans are also prepared to reveal themselves when we start our set of lessons. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours!

So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation via Sheldan Nidle: August 5, 2014

sheldan nidleSpiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation Update, as received by Sheldan Nidle, August 5, 2014 – http://paoweb.com/sn080514.htm

8 Eb, 10 Pop, 11 Ik

Dratzo! We arrive! Your world continues to move toward her goal of a massive transformation of your reality. Our liaisons and diplomatic corps report that a number of key decisions were made and quickly followed by some noticeable action. We are grateful to our Earth allies for what they are currently accomplishing. The foundation is set for a new world, which is to be populated with prosperity and an end to your long period of servitude to your dark masters.

This great opening to the Light is to bring you a vast growth in your consciousness, new governance, and finally, full disclosure of our existence. We welcome these ongoing changes and prepare in earnest for our arrival. We understand the full significance of what is to precede our arrival on your most beautiful shores. This requires an end to the haughty indifference of the dark cabal.

You next need time to get used to your new-found prosperity and your reacquired freedoms and personal rights. Then you are ready to accept the lessons of your Ascended Masters. Finally, you are indeed ready for us to carry out a special global mass landing. This is to bring your much-needed individual mentors!

The mentors we have trained for you are a special group. Each has completed a long course, which readied them to help you prepare for full consciousness. Your Ascended Masters went through many lifetimes before they could have a special ceremony. This ceremony anointed them with the magnificent abilities they now possess. See what is about to happen to you as the means to recreate what each of them has accomplished. You are to be given a path by which you can also return to a special state of grace.

Our task is to take what Heaven supplies and forge the pathway to achieve this remarkable goal. Look upon your crystal Light chambers as a unique heavenly gift. This gift is to transform you and permit you to join us. We rejoice in this! Returning to your former status as galactic humans is to open up a realm that has been beyond your ken for the past 13 millennia. Our arrival completes a welcoming home, which began when the Anunnaki rejoined the Light and asked their earthly minions to comply with this demand. This, your dark cabal refused to do.

The present reality, in which you reside, is becoming a mere transition between the third and the fifth dimensions. The dark cabal realizes what Heaven is doing and how irreversible it truly is. The time for the dark ones has passed. The moment for change is approaching. Heaven decrees that we use these special moments to remind you that this transformation is reaching a truly magical time. This is the moment when we can easily get to know one another and understand what the first Agarthans came to realize.

Wisdom is part of this land. You are sitting in a place which can no longer remain what it was. There is too much energy, too many prayers and blessings from Heaven. The dark can no longer hold you as it once did. This is why you are experiencing the beginnings of ideas and principles that are to transform your world and end the poverty and fear of this age. You are, in reality, leaving a long childhood and taking up maturity, which is to thrust you into the ways of this galaxy and indeed the whole of physicality. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna to all!

This period is therefore to become the time when you complete your metamorphosis and leave behind your childhood ways. Limited consciousness taught you many things. Now, it is for you to use this wisdom and fashion a galactic peace. This galactic peace is to allow the Anchara continuum to alter itself and be the vessel, with Heaven, to spread Light throughout this galaxy. This Light affects not only this galaxy but also the whole of this section of Creation. Imagine yourselves as visionary creators of the multitude of realities which are nested around you.

This is what you actually are. Each of you was specially selected to embody in this reality. You are the reality shifters and the galaxy shifters. You come to bring your pallets of rainbows and spread the Joy of Light around. You are here to launch a new epoch of surface humanity. You are to unite this humanity and lead it back to wonders long forgotten. We are here to join you and manifest Heaven’s decrees. Together, we are to bring in a new reality and spread the coming of the grand time of full consciousness.

Blessings, we are your Ascended Masters! We come this time with good news. The programs which have waited for many years to play out are finally ready to begin a unique distribution process. The dark and its earthly minions have prevented this by the simple fact that they retained absolute power over the world’s major governments. Our earth and space allies have blessedly come together to remedy this situation. The first part is based on the great courage of our earthly associates.

Despite continual threats from the dark, these blessed women and men dedicated their lives to the success of this last part of their mission. This part was to establish a new banking and monetary system while also creating a global common law network. This sacred mission is now to bear its fruit by bringing prosperity to you and true justice to the dark. The new banking system is to be precious metal-based and the support for your growing prosperity. We bless Heaven for what is now to be done!

We are preparing in glee for the various lessons which we are to give you. These lessons are to cover your beginnings on this world 900,000 years ago; the joy of full consciousness and the falseness of the dark realm that you lived in for the past 13 millennia. We especially want to focus on the events of the past two and one-half millennia. You need to understand what the dark has long told you, as well as the truth behind the histories of Europe, Asia and the Americas. You are to know in detail why you are here and what to expect.

Gaia has a vast Spiritual Hierarchy and we are a part of this sacred entourage. You need to discover how to contact and converse with your various spiritual and physical guardians. In these conversations, you are to learn much about yourself and be able to expand what we have already explained in our several lessons to you.

The coming times excite us! Many events are to unveil the great prosperity and immense freedoms that are yours. The new governance is also to unveil a great many suppressed inventions. These are to enable you to clean up Mother Earth’s air, water and ground. In doing this, you are to start to fulfill your divine stewardship of Gaia. This is a living universe. Life and the energy to sustain it are everywhere.

You are to join us in divine service to the Creator and to physicality. Out of this service there comes an inner satisfaction which embraces the core of who you really are! Assisting the work of Heaven in physicality is at the very heart of who we are. Soon, we are to serve this entire solar system and the Beings who reside here. When you first come into full consciousness, you go through a short apprenticeship. We have learned much from this initial time. Together, we are all to do great things!

Today, we continued our series of messages with you. Great events are occurring. Take this time to enjoy them and ready yourselves for our arrival. The bad times that you experienced since childhood are really over. Love and Light are truly triumphant. Enjoy! And be ready to celebrate this grand set of victories! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours!

So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation via Sheldan Nidle: July 22, 2013

Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation Update, as received by Sheldan Nidle,  July 22, 2013 – http://paoweb.com/sn072214.htm

7 Etznab, 1 Vayeb, 10 Caban

Selamat Balik! We come with many wonderful things to discuss. Presently, events are being readied which are to bring this globe freedom, peace and prosperity. Our galactic and earthly associates are working together to put an end to the long, dark night that you have all travelled through.

It is truly amazing to see how Heaven’s divine clock has brought you to the very edge of success. Things are happening to liberate you from governance that works to suppress your freedom, and release you from lies about what it is doing. This tyranny is now to be transformed.

When America first announced its independence, it did so in a manner which permitted its sacred declaration to proclaim why it was to be a special beacon of liberty. This proclamation was gradually silenced by those who shared allegiances with individuals in Britain who wished to espouse tyranny over freedom and wealth accumulation over the divine rights of each American. This blasphemy is now to be transformed and new governance announced, to reverse the recent sins against this great land. This is to bring peace, prosperity and cooperation to Gaia and her surface humanity!


This is only a small but still pertinent aspect of what is nearing manifestation. Our earthly associates continue to move forward quickly on those operations which are to bring new financial and banking instruments. The wealth long hidden by the great dynastic and spiritual families is almost ready to be distributed. This is to be accompanied by new banking procedures that are backed up by new and transparent laws.

In addition, those who have long hidden behind this immense skullduggery are to be arrested and removed from the illicit wealth that they have accumulated for decades. Our associates intend to bring forth both a distribution of wealth and to impose globally a great jubilee. During this year of jubilee all debts are to be forgiven and all are to start fresh in this new prosperous reality. You are to be freed and educated by your Ascended Masters in essential truths long hidden by this most onerous cabal. You are, in reality, extra-terrestrials that first landed here some 900,000 years ago.

Moreover, this new governance is to proclaim our benevolent existence and welcome those who are the representatives of your mutual ancestors. The Inner Earth lands of Agartha can then send representatives to you who can further explain your true hidden histories. This rise of the Lemurians is to permit them to open up hidden passages to Inner Earth and uncover many now-buried monuments which contain the records of your ancient and “lost” societies.

These records date back to the various golden Ages of humanity, but this is only a start. Much more needs to be made known to you. Our mentors intend to allow you to view parts of your Akashic records and discover how you and your ancestors coped with what was done to them by the dark Anunnaki. These revelations are not meant to shock you, but only to permit you to gain a better understanding of what has been done to you over the past nearly 13 millennia. We are to come to enable you to prepare for your leap into full consciousness. This final step involves mentoring, monitoring your time in the Light Chambers and your subsequent training.

As fully conscious Beings, you are to come into divine service. You need to understand fully what this implies and what is to be expected of you. Fully conscious Beings are gregarious and confident humans. We are taught from early childhood to work with each other and freely to pursue the meanings behind our various talents and abilities. This daily search makes our system of fluid management operate smoothly and efficiently.

You are as well to be assigned counselors who work with your team of spiritual advisors to ensure that this society meets your needs, and that you can creatively solve any problems that you or your society encounters. This process is ongoing. You see how your life contract meshes with others. Everything which you do is done in this context. You freely support one another and all the numerous star nations that comprise this Galactic Federation of Light. It is in this light that we operate our societies and the star nations which contain them. We intend to prepare you for this sacred life of service to Heaven and her sacred decrees.

Hosanna! We are your Ascended Masters! We come to bless you and say many things as we approach the next New Galactic Year on Saturday.

Your world is moving swiftly. Our blessed associates are forcing situations to permit the currency and banking reforms to bring you freedom, sovereignty and prosperity. A number of subsequent events are to flow from these announcements. These are to produce new governance and allow those who are to run them to declare an end to a system that has long bamboozled you about the true nature of this reality. Heaven and AEON decreed that humanity is to learn certain truths. These truths are to lead to circumstances permitting our spiritual and space brethren, as well as us, to reveal ourselves to you. At first, this emerging set of Truths is to teach you plainly how this reality is constructed and what it is destined to become. You are also to begin a final spiritual sojourn which is to lead you to full consciousness.

Hallelujah! We stand in joy as we see and breathe in the Creator’s great blessings! You are on the verge of a new epoch. The great treasure and marvelous compensations from Heaven shower us daily. Those appointed by us are at the ready to execute a great coup. This action is to open the way for others who are working diligently to give you your freedom. The dark fills its bags for you with woe and destruction. This is no longer to affect you or even this realm. The dark is to be moved to a place where it can no longer prevent what Heaven has so proclaimed for you.

The Light is indeed triumphant! A new era of peace, prosperity and cooperation dawns upon the Earth. We bless this and ask only that you realize what is now to be asked of you. You are to become the sacred instrument of Heaven’s decrees. Be ever ready to move swiftly forward and manifest your destiny!

These changes are to be only the beginning of a sublime operation which is to bring you great opportunities and possibilities. We are to stand together and bring Gaia back from the division created when you were suddenly plunged into a realm filled with darkness, horror and death. This ends, and with it a return to love; love and union with vast realms of Heaven and physicality. As galactic humans you are once again to be able to carry out the divine decrees of the Light.

Unfolding Creation is only one of the many tasks you are to graciously undertake. You are also to re-forge this solar system and bring peace and utmost joy to every part of this galaxy. Your resilience has brought joy to Heaven. Soon, you are to meet those from Inner Earth, this immense galaxy and those who are your spiritual mentors. Our mission is to direct, and give you wisdom on these matters when necessary. Blessings and Joy to All!

Today, we carried on with our message. Much good is to come. The dark is done and blessings long promised are quite near. Be ready to do what is necessary for each of you to prosper and enjoy the fullest measure of your success. Then, there is the greatest gift: becoming a fully conscious Being of Light. Enjoy your wings! You’ve earned it!!! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours!

So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation via Sheldan Nidle: July 15, 2014

Anthony: Some of us believe we will enter light chambers; others don’t. Sheldan’s sources say we will.

Steve: I asked AAM on July 11 if we would and he said that only people with a strong connection to Agartha, like the channel himself, would. The Earth’s population as a whole will not. Thanks, Anthony.

Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation Update, as received by Sheldan Nidle,  July 15, 2014 – https://www.paoweb.com/sn071514.htm

Dratzo! We come bearing more good news! Those involved with bringing you your wondrous blessings are nearly ready to deliver them to you. Hence, stay confident and positive about your prosperity.

It is to come with a new financial system and with new governance. Let us turn our attention in this message to something, which runs parallel to your prosperity, the heavenly preparation of your physical self for full consciousness.

This process entails a complete redoing of your physical, mental and emotional bodies. The final reintegration is to happen while you are safely inside a crystal-like Light chamber. This special living cavity of Light is to forge a complete re-sequencing of your cellular RNA/DNA. It works as a living Light instrument. It orchestrates new sequencing codes, which move you instantly toward achieving your full physical potential.

This process, designed by Heaven, takes approximately three Earth days to achieve its divine goals. Your own body guardians and your other heavenly guides direct it. In addition, you are to have a special mentor assigned and expressly trained by us. When you emerge from this living crystal of Light, you are to be returned to full consciousness.

You are now experiencing painful preliminaries to this process. These operations to your various ethereal and physical bodies are, first of all, to reintegrate them and secondly, to increase the degree of Light frequencies that you can handle. This process also includes the initial increase of your DNA from two to three strands. This procedure is making you able to “feel” more of the reality, which surrounds you. Moreover, as this is combined with a general overhaul of your meridian and chakra systems, it is leading to some degree of inner pain, which confounds most of your physicians.

Nevertheless, be assured that a procedure is underway which is divinely designed to ready you for the final three days ensconced in your living Crystal Light Chamber. This heavenly Being is a special gift from the Creator. It is to complete the massive degree of reshaping which you are currently enduring. Hence, each of you is moving through a thorough series of adjustments needed to shorten your wondrous stay in this sacred living Being of Light.

These preliminary adjustments consist of two types. The first are those which raise the frequencies of each of your present chakras, or else permit new chakras to be introduced. The second type is actual changes in your physical body. Let’s look at these in more detail. The first kind is more frequent. Heaven is moving you to the very edge of a vast alteration of your physical consciousness. Thus, your physical body is able to take in even more divine Light than before.

This increased Light forces your body to augment the operation of your limited conscious, and allows us to position new chakras in your body to more easily handle this growing stress. This increased physical consciousness permits your physical self to initiate a process to connect more easily with your spiritual consciousness. This sets the stage for what the living Light Chamber is to accomplish. The second type is more rare. As your meridian system alters its response patterns, we can use this to actually “split up” some of your present chakras.

The best example is what is happening to your heart chakra. This chakra is now separating in two, producing a new heart chakra and introducing the thymus chakra to your body’s energy system. At present, the new heart chakra is in effect. The newer thymus chakra is in various stages of construction. The thymus is to handle your increased immune system and to work with the new diaphragm chakra to eliminate the tragic effects which fear can cause to your body. This process has temporarily caused some degrees of discomfort. In the end, it is to limit the pain that those alterations to your head can create.

Keep in mind one essential rule —Heaven has mandated a complete redoing of how your physical self operates. When these series of adjustments reach a prescribed threshold, you are to be ready to enter your Crystal Light Chamber. At that point, all the pains you are now going through are then to pay immense dividends. It is to allow you to take three days and transform yourself back into a fully conscious Being, capable of doing miraculous works. One who can help unfold physical Creation.

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Our associates are busily setting the stage for your prosperity and preparing the ways by which the dark cabal is to exit from its current position of great wealth and power. This process is to end their power and bless each of you with a return of your sacred sovereignty and a grand prosperity, which permits you to achieve your true purpose. This process thus needs to be thorough and able to deliver what Heaven has decreed for you.

It is as well to introduce governance, which truly cares about your general welfare and diligently preserves your sacred rights. This new governance is to invite you to participate freely in its activities and allow you to be free and able to learn about the true nature of this reality. It is as well to allow you to become aware of your Inner Earth and spiritual families. These wondrous Beings are to provide mentors, who along with us are to teach you a great many truths about the reality in which you now reside.

Our duties are, at the right divine moment, to appear among you and begin a series of lessons, which Heaven asked us to provide. These interactions are to prepare you for understanding what your new reality is to offer. Full consciousness is a most wondrous state of Being given to galactic humanity. This state has been our blessing for millennia.

Each of us takes this experience and learns much about the very nature of possibilities found within each reality. The Creator gives us a special home and a delegated divine service. We take these gifts and use them to help others and to maintain this divine environment. The heavenly Elohim, assisted in this operation by us all, puts physicality together. We exist in a realm, which we helped to design. Our responsibility is to apply our wisdom and our blessed love to maintain it.

We can learn numerous things while in divine service. We take the simple truth that we are all one, and daily apply it to our mutual service. Out of these sacred tasks come immense wisdom and a child-like Love for everyone. Blessings are a daily part of our service. We chant, we dance and bring joy to all. Joy is the greatest state of divine grace. In it is the laughter that encompasses the life and breath of our Soul. Mercy flows from it. Enlightenment is a result of these simple actions.

We use this to understand the beauty of our sacred home and the wonders the Creator gives it. Learn to not take your world too seriously. Be ready to do what is needed to bless and transform it. Remember in your heart how our collective was born and how it is now ready to return to its previous glories. Let us sing, dance and revel in a grand prosperity filled with never-ending joy and freedom. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!

Today, we briefly looked over what is happening on your world and reviewed some of the phenomena now happening to you. You are on a journey, which is very quickly to alter this realm and return it to her former self. This return is to bring us to your door and prepare you for your final grand leap into full consciousness! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours!

So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation via Sheldan Nidle: June 3, 2014

Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation Update, as received by Sheldan Nidle, June 3, 2014 – http://www.paoweb.com/sn060314.htm

12 Pax, 10 Muluc, 10 Caban

Dratzo! We come again with much to discuss with you! Our Earth allies are now busily completing the numerous tasks that are required of them. These necessary projects are part of a larger picture. Mother Earth is transforming gradually into a true 5-D realm.

This procedure is tied to a number of vital factors. The most crucial is, of course, your transformation into fully conscious Beings of Light. The dark cabal realizes that its current positions of power are quite fragile. A number of conditions are threatening to redirect vital economic realities.

These economic and political conditions kept the dark in a position of dominance for the last thirteen millennia. The Anunnaki know that numerous depositories of ancient Atlantean records are on the verge of being publicly disclosed.

These histories, along with an upcoming inevitable economic collapse involving their core assets, threaten their power. This has led to a recent series of countermeasures that are temporarily maintaining the illusion that “nothing has changed.” In reality, our allies are ready to demolish their ill-gotten assets and force them from power. The time for your freedom and prosperity rapidly approaches.

The present time is really the final standoff between the dark ones and their minions, and the many forces of the Light. The Light is winning this struggle as the dark’s resources are swiftly dwindling. This forces them to apply guile in an attempt to ensure that their power remains untarnished, but their “normal” methods are failing. The key to this is simply the fact that the world’s economies no longer wish to be dominated by fiat money stemming mostly from the fiat reserves of the U.S Federal Reserve Bank.

This rising insurrection is leading to the bankruptcy of Western banking and the rise of a precious metal backed reset of the world’s currencies. This is also paving the way for the death of old “special interest” governance and the onset of new global realities. This reset is accelerating and is applying pressure to force the dark’s minions from power. The Light is also opening up networks for common law justice and for the arrest and conviction of a number of prominent dark government and banking participants.

These various events are only the start of programs to liberate you from your present condition of debt bondage. Our allies recognize what each of you has gone through since birth. You are wrapped in debt from your birth and serve the dark merely as collateral for their immense wealth. They spend imprudently and further maintain this system by careful use of war, hatred and divisions proclaimed by their bought politicians and bribed general military staffs.

This corrupt system is to be stopped, transformed and reduced to a point where they are truly your servants. This “whittling-down” is taking precious time. Nonetheless, the dark, like the ancient Hydra, possesses many heads. New ones pop up when it is thought there are none left. The secret sacred societies and the enlightened ancient families created a means to truly decapitate these endless “heads” from its vile body! Thus, the final preparations to manifest a new reality continue to move forward. Our liaisons report that the dark’s institutions are in reality a fragile house of cards.

It is this one truth, which explains why the end of this game is finally at hand. The dark is now scurrying to find the last of the resources needed to keep these shenanigans up. Their global expeditions are failing. Meanwhile we have procured a series of agreements, which promise to end the dreadful tactics of the dark’s last minions. These processes are currently in force.

We have contacted our Agarthan cousins and retained them as the prime guardians of these various procedures. Simultaneously, we have addressed these situations with the ancient families and your Ascended Masters. Programs are underway to complete, as swiftly as provided, steps that permit us to release, under the administration of the Ascended Masters, items intended to achieve peace, prosperity and new governance.

We are being told that special parts of the military are fully cooperating with us. These, along with a number of legal elements, can restore common law as well as constitutional legalities for the new governance. The instrument for this initially is called NESARA!

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come to give you a brief report. At present, our associates are finishing a set of operations which are designed to force out the dark’s minions and prepare the way for victory. The Light has spent the last millennia waiting patiently for this blessed moment. The dark is reaching a point where it needs to surrender and ask for divine mercy.

Over the centuries, we have watched as the dark either devised ways to diminish what we do or else denied to all that we have done anything to bring our blessings unto you. Now the tables are to be turned. We do not wish to deny them blessings, nor do we desire to let their malevolence continue. Instead they are to be isolated until measures can be taken to prevent any further trickery from succeeding. The time has come to bring in a new reality, and with it a new freedom for all. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!

We deliver unto you divine blessings and a decree that the grand jubilee commences! Long ago, when Lemuria was above the waves, humanity was conscious, free and a steward to all on this world. A great firmament was in the Heavens. The land was prosperous in all things. Tales of this were famous. Indeed, such tales still permeate the campfires of much of Polynesia, Australia, Africa and the Americas. These tales tell of the time before the rise of darkness in this realm, and it is time to return to that reality.

It is time to renew the Earth, her ecosystems and even yourselves. Our service is to guide, to heal and to bless humanity. It is also a time to teach and update you. It is time to take you away from the falseness of the dark so you can learn in depth the truths of the Light! It is a time to reunite with your spiritual and space families. It is time for you to visit Agartha and learn about the inner joys of Life.

The Spirit of the Light descends in glory upon the Earth. This Light cleanses you from the hold of the dark and brings you into contact with the wonderment that is in each of you. We have an army filled with Light that resides in each of us. We have the ability to take this army and use it to cast out the dark. Use this, dear Ones, to bring this much-deserved realm into reality. Envision in your heart what you truly desire to change.

Empower it and give it in Love and Joy to Heaven! Let this mighty energy forge it and quickly give it life. Bring this vision forth daily. Let its joys and energies manifest. Realize the power within you. Flow within this energy and give it in full willingness to Heaven. Each day, this vision becomes even more powerful. It is in this light that your collective energies can bolster what we do. Victory is assured. Let us together bring it in and manifest it. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Today, we carried on with our message. The moment for your triumph approaches. It also heralds the mass landings and the final moves toward full consciousness. We rejoice in what is happening. We are ready to assist all in welcoming the fleet and in discovering the wonders that is Agartha!  Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours!

So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation via Sheldan Nidle: April 22, 2014

Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation Update as received by Sheldan Nidle – April 22, 2014 – http://www.paoweb.com/sn042214.htm

7 Manik, 10 Kank’in, 10 Caban

Selamat Balik! Events continue to move forward! The dark continues to reel as it encounters one potential setback after another. A scenario is forming that promises to give us the means to bring out the first stage of monetary reforms that are to swiftly lead to your abundance. The currency reforms and the new banking regulations are merely the start of a system that is to produce gold-backed monies.

These things are to lead to a new environment that is to be overseen by a series of NESARA-like governments across this globe. It is this new network of governance that is to spawn disclosure and set the way for formal announcements about first contact and your return to full consciousness. This process is to also allow for your inner Earth brethren to appear before you. We, along with your Ascended Masters, are to set the stage for this grand journey. As you progress, so Mother Earth is to move forward with changes to her surface realm. These alterations are to return her surface to the size and shape that existed in the latter days of ancient Lemuria. In this mode, a permanent golden Age can appear!

All of you are now undergoing transformations that affect your body, mind and emotions. This is necessary to provide you with the means to become fully conscious Beings. Our initial tasks are simply to provide you with mentors who have the necessary training to aid you in reaching preliminary points you need in order to be transformed by the magnificent Light chambers given to us by Heaven. Each chamber is a living entity, capable of returning you to your former state. The Atlanteans and their dark “friends” imposed limited consciousness upon you.

Their vile experiment, which left a few hundred Atlanteans in a lesser state, was done by the dark to subvert the ways of Heaven. At the same time, it gave your ancestors important experiences to better understand the conditions imposed by the dark upon its many galactic creations. This special knowledge is to permit you to aid the former Anchara continuum-based planetary societies on their own journey toward the Light.

This journey of yours has numerous twists, which keep you frustrated and wondering about what is occurring around you. Special groups are moving forward with programs designed to permit you to be free. The dark cabal understands only two things – wealth and power. These were manifested on Mother Earth at the start of the first golden ages almost 13 millennia ago. These concepts are now to be pushed aside by a series of actions of our numerous associates. In a galactic society, these concepts are unknown.

Technology provides everyone with health, food and clothing. There is only the daily use of your divine service to grow on all levels: spiritually, mentally and emotionally. Employing this acquired knowledge, individuals add their logic to solve any potential problem that can arise. Thus, it is nearly impossible for any potential problem not to receive its proper creative solution. We reside in a society that is open, free and filled with joy and happiness.

The galactic society you are to construct is one that is to be founded on the many prototypes that exist throughout this galaxy. The Agarthans maintain a vast library that has records of all that has preceded you. In addition, you are to possess an edition of our sacred “Book of Understanding.” These volumes can give you additional clues on how you are to go about forging this galactic society, which is to have many branches on Venus, Mars, Gaia and Pax. Numerous societies of special Spirits exist here that are also to assist you in this process.

In total, you have a great amount of possibilities that are to be the foundations for your new star nation. Many throughout this and numerous nearby galaxies follow closely what you are destined to achieve. All of us realize what you are to do, and the wondrous effect it is to have on all. Hence, we come to introduce ourselves to you at the right divine time. This moment is now forming and, shortly, we are to be permitted to address you directly.

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Today is a time for renewal. It is a moment when, together, we can visualize a new reality forming in joy around us. Let the wondrous events of this day lead us to freedom and responsibility. This responsibility is to create new governance, spread prosperity and honor our mutual individual sovereignty. Bear in mind that sovereignty is a gift given by the Creator.

We are here to honor and protect it. The original dream of America was to fully bask in this and to peacefully spread it throughout this world. Respect for all is based on the sacredness of all life. Gaia is a living Being that is to be honored and thanked for her great gifts. You live in a realm filled with an amazing diversity of life. A similar diversity is spread across this galaxy. Respect it! Feel its joy! Be the grand mentors that you were put here to be. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

As you rejoice in your new reality, understand that it requires your love and your firm commitment to who you really are. Become aware of the changes and be ready to accept the start of a new world. Centuries ago, Count Saint Germain established a great nation on the shores of North America. He carefully gave a series of documents to this nation that set up both its governance and its basic principles. In the 19th century, this land began to veer from what he had founded in the latter half of the previous century.

This land is on the brink of completing a procedure that has the potential to restore it to what it once was. We bless and divinely thank those whose courage and tenacity have made all of this possible. The healing that needs to take place requires your sacred help. We are all in this together! Blessings unto all. Be one in prosperity and in Joy!

A great healing for Mother Earth is taking place. Ever since the rise of the first societies after the fall of Atlantis, humanity has used the Earth for its homes, sustenance and even the source of its clothes and its shrines. We dug up the Earth and at first honored her for what she did to permit us our lives. Eventually, these blessings fell by the wayside and a new attitude of abuse became the norm. This was especially prevalent in the early time of the recorded histories of Egypt, India and China. The Americas also dishonored Gaia.

It is time for this to cease. It is time to honor a brave and kind one who gives you life. Use the new governance and new technologies! Return to honoring Gaia. Also, thank the Creator and diligently learn new truths and new ways. The time of celestial reunion arrives! Hosanna! Hosanna!

Today, we went over the events of the day. We ask that you see this as a new beginning. Be prepared to accept a new prosperity along with new governance. We are all prepared to come forth and teach what is needed to complete your transition from limited to galactic consciousness. Times are indeed changing! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It!

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)