My Spiritual Journey: Starseed DNA Reading

I was wondering on this question how a Blueprinter would look like without asking my guides for any feedback. Suddenly I had an image/vision of a filigree, mycelial network ball that contains worlds, galaxies, light, vibrations, colors and so on. It was amazing to see. For more pictures about Blueprinters click here: Instagram Blueprinters

Chapter 1 : Starseed , Blueprint Changer

I have come so far in exploring myself through QHHT (still needs to be transcribed) , guides and channeling, that I wanted to deepen my spiritual journey.

So early 2022 I had a Starseed DNA reading with The Grove Apothica. I thought it would be another reading that I just could read through it without consequences. But I was wrong, I cried the whole time of how on point it was. The first that came up was that my soul spark is BLUEPRINT CHANGER.

My Starseed DNA reading will be divided into four parts. My replies on this reading will be in cursive.

Starseed DNA Reading by The Grove Apothica

A Starseed is a soul that originated in another Star system. They came here to Earth to help raise its consciousness and vibration. Quite often, Starseeds do not feel like they belong here, long for a home they have never physically been to in this lifetime, and struggle finding their purpose here on Earth. When you finally put the pieces together that you are a Starseed and know the Star Nation(s) in your lineage, you want to connect more and more to these groups of energies. Knowing your Star Lineage opens your memories and your purpose for being on the Earth at this exact time. Let’s dive into your Starseed DNA and see how you connect to the different places your soul knows.


Your Souls Origination

All Starseed Souls spark or begin in a different place. This is called our Soul Spark. The place our Soul came into existence and began the journey of love, life, and learning. Some of us came to Earth for our first lives but not you. You very first life, first inhale of breath, was on another planet.

You began your life with the Blueprinters. These are the Souls that built Earth School. They are invested in the Earth succeeding and flourishing. They were “tapped” by a Galactic Council of beings to create Earth, its grids, and the energy pathways and grids of everything on this planet, including you and me.

By maintaining the Earth’s Grids, Blueprinters are keeping Earth alive, moving, and evolving. They hold the blueprint of Earth in their DNA and know what she needs and what needs to be healed. I think of them as Earth’s Warriors. There are 7 total subgroups of Blueprinters, and they each have different tasks to keep the Earth evolving. You were a Blueprint Changer. Sometimes they are also called Blueprint Connectors because they are here to heal certain difficult aspects of life on Earth and connect our healing into our spiritual experience.

My anwser on above section was following: I had the following experience when I was young. The experience I want to share with you is the feeling of being ONE with Mother Earth. Read more

But now that I’ve read this, I know why I felt so connected to Earth: I’m a blueprinter.

*Content Warning* This is one of the harder Lineages to be a part of so please read knowing that this could call up some deep emotions or trauma around abuse, violence, incest, sexual trauma.

The only thing I want to say about this is that I went through a lot of traumas as a child, as well as more physical traumas later in life, such as a lot of operations due to my chronic illness.

Often, Blueprinter Changers incarnate into difficult and even traumatic situations and could experience very heavy trauma including abuse, violence, sexual trauma, and victimization of any kind. These beings recover and continue to heal from these things to them help others to heal the same situation and experience. Sometimes they may also be born into war zones or places of high turmoil/violence.

Your path is to understand trauma from a higher perspective and transmute the energy to show others how to do the same. This is actually a very healing Soul Group but to get to the healing, they experience childhoods and even adulthoods that are very hard.

As a group, they are largely researchers that way to experience the negative aspects of life on Earth. They then feed that information back to the Blueprint Changers on the other side. They tend to understand suffering and they hold a survivor’s compassion for anyone going through difficult times. This is the greatest gift they bring to this world.

Everything I do in this blog is to inspire others that you can still can go on strong. With determination and love to self, anything can be concquerd. But I never say it is an easy path. Nothing is set in stone, like this future life reading by my good friend Leslee. My future life in wymquedaj.

If you have not suffered greatly in your life, you have still survived and recovered from something, and your life purpose is to help others recover from the same thing. This Soul Group is full of survivors understanding how to expand our understanding of this aspect here on Earth.


Disclaimer: I am only using AI art to convey my visions, nothing more. I also convey it in traditional mediums like watercolor and gouache.

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