Opening to the Expanded View of the Butterfly

Hi Tania, I have also seen and encounter a lot of butterflies in my life. Also last week and this week I had encounters with butterflies. Thanks for this post. Love Lisa

Tania Marie

change This felt particularly resonant today, as I stumbled upon it, so it felt to be perfect for today’s inspired post. Hope you enjoy the message from the Hopi and from one of my animal totems that has been the symbol of my life’s path since I began a conscious journey – our friend, the alchemical Butterfly.

“Grandmother Mona believes that giving the origins of her ancestors is as important as telling her name…Her last name, Polacca, means butterfly in the Hopi language and is the name received from her paternal grandfather. In Hopi lore, the butterfly is the symbol of man’s spiritual transformation.

‘At the level of existence, when it crawls on Mother Earth in the form of a caterpillar, it only sees what is right in front of it,’ Grandmother Mona explains. ‘There comes a time in the development when it puts itself into a little cocoon and enters the…

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Keshe’s free energy files released.

Spirit Train Chronicles

Download ALL Keshe’s Free Energy Files released today here…
There are 17 files and when unzipped is 9,282 items and 16.2 Gigabytes of information in the files released today.

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Three-Part Meditation



Three-Part Meditation

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Inspired by Dreamwalker’s post on of Sogyal Rinpoche’s meditation advice (see Spirit Train Chronicles here), I did a 3-part meditation that I found quite fascinating. I’ll continue to use this technique for a while and see what kind of results I get. If you try it too, I’d love to hear about your experiences here, if you care to share them.

Sogyal mentions value in taking breaks during meditation. Short ones that only last a minute or so… and then we resume our meditation.

This prompted the idea of doing three ten-minute meditations, with a one minute break in between. And for each segment, I took a slightly different focus. To me they feel like a progression, so I enjoyed the sense of going deeper during each segment, and finding continuity within the 32-minute exercise.

Each segment features a variation of mindfulness…

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Light Quakes, Wormholes and The Equinox.

The Shift of Time and Energy!


These days are becoming so energetically unpredictable.  For a few hours (especially at night) I feel like I am being thrashed about in the breaking waves of a shore line, and then have bouts of such crystal clarity that I swear I can see and understand forever, until the lapping waves come crashing in again.  The evening of the 16th going into the 17th played hell on my body.  As evening descended, I swear my entire rib cage and up thru my neck got caught in a vise that just kept squeezing tighter.  As the night wore on, the coughing started again, the ability to breathe was leaving town and all I could say is… not again!!  At least I didn’t have the lung congestion this time around.  Everything was between my sinuses and my throat.  The next day, I was just worthless and energetically depleted.  By late afternoon, this…

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The Magnetic Pull To the Other Side and Some ET Information too!

The Shift of Time and Energy!

Magnetic pull

Are you feeling the magnetic pull of the equinox yet??  Emotions running amuk?  Body aches?  Ears ringing off the hook?  Intense head spins or headaches?  Feeling like you don’t even know where solid ground is any longer?  Believe it or not, you are in the greatest alignment with your Self that you can ever hope for.

The way I am seeing this equinox energy, the magnetic pull of it, imagine you are a heap of metal in an open area and someone turns on the strongest magnetic field you ever witnessed.  Suddenly, that metallic heap, your body and life, are being pulled up and out of the place it was in, bit by bit, and recreated, reformatted as it moves upwards over the magnetic field of energy and (will eventually) settle down on the other side, new.

I have to share a visual from one of yesterdays readings, I know…

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Heruka 19 March 2014: Ignorance to Wisdom

Spirit Train Chronicles


Ignorance to Wisdom: Like Filings to a Lodestone

Heruka’s words 19 March 2014

(From Leslee: In response to recent thoughts about how some things and people seem to arise merely to cause distraction from focus or path, here’s what came forth.)

As you progress towards understanding, which brings your freedom, that sense of freedom radiating from you draws like a magnet and the polar opposite is attracted.

Ignorance (in the sense of a state which lacks wisdom and self-knowledge) is compelled, like iron filings to a lodestone.

If there are “filings” nearby, there’s no way to shield them from being drawn to the lodestone…

Unless there is some sort of shield.

So what’s the nature, the point of a lodestone? (See Wikipedia quote below)

It’s an occupational hazard, a given, when one strives for Enlightenment, to find ignorance and obstruction drawn to one like filings to a lodestone.

Shielding simply…

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Galactic Lightship Dreamflights 22MAR2014

Spirit Train Chronicles

Easy Rider: A Galactic Journey

You are invited to join the next Galactic Lightship Dreamflight this Saturday night (15 March 2014) during dreamtime.

All who have expressed their intent to join us will be teleported on board our fleet of Galactic Light Ships.You may express your intent to join a specific ship (all are welcome!). We will be meeting during dreamtime on Saturday night, but you do not need to “schedule” the time you are asleep, since you will be timeshifted to the appropriate “place” in time in order to join us. Passwords provided are intended to enhance intent, not to limit access.

Our Fleet includes the following ships

GLS Mothership OcaTAwa (Password “Center Spiral Wings Unity”)
GLS Aeterna (Password “Wings“)
GLS Algiz (Password “Center“)
GLS Blaze (Password “Helix“)
GLS Chimera (Password “Emanate”)
GLS Salcys
GLS Angelon
GLS Susan
GLS Space Wave (Password “Unity”)
GLS Athabantian (Password “Radiate”; website: Up2the5th,

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