Dream 21 March 2014 – HAPPY EQUINOX

This the view you have when I told my parents a tornado was coming. The apartment block behind the yellow tree, there was the tornado coming from and torn of that roof and it was flying towards us. This is in Hasselt where I used to live.

This the view you have when I told my parents a tornado was coming. The apartment block behind the yellow tree, there was the tornado coming from and torn of that roof and it was flying towards us. This is in Hasselt where I used to live.


When I woke up this morning, wow, I was saying, what a dream. I also had a lot of visions, but they are too hard to describe.

In my dream I was back in Belgium, in Hasselt. I just went for a walk with my parents.  Back in the apartment I see that the ceiling is higher and has now a square dome on top of it, with windows.

The scene changes and I am standing in my bedroom looking out of the window. (we have windows that goes down to the floor) and suddenly I hear a loudly boom. Here I could look over the apartment block in front of me and saw a big yellow/red mushroom cloud appearing out of nowhere. I changed then in a huge black mushroom cloud that turned in to a big black raging tornado. It changed direction and immediately I ran to my parents that are now in the living room. I tell them that a huge tornado is coming towards us. In that time the tornado reached the apartments opposite us (will show in a picture)  and it tears of the big roof of the apartment block and throws it onto our roof. Immediately our roof cracks and the windows crack, but they don’t crumble. But there are huge cracks in the walls. We don’t have door anymore to our apartment and I see people running in chaos.

Our neighbours are inviting people in their apartment as that was still a bit intact.  I go out and I have problems to go down the stairs as it is full of rubble. I had to go down two floors down. I am outside now and see that our apartment is not located at the usual place, but is situated now in the town. I see people walking around in a daze and people who are taking advantage of this chaos. These people take people’s stuff for a very unfair prize. Because the people didn’t had anything they took what they could get.

One of this people was a man and was pushing a flat hand barrow and he looked so familiar to me, like a Deja-vu, but also the situation felt very familiar as if I dreamt it. And I kept staring at him, and staring.

Then suddenly my hair gets done by one of the fairies and next to me I see gnomes climbing out of the Earth and started to help the destitute people. Everything happens at once. When I look up into the sky, the sky is orange and I see a lot of space ships, big ones and small ones flying around as if they were battling an unseen force. It was such a spectacle, I couldn’t get enough of it and I tried to make pictures of the space ships flying around.

And then I woke up….

Unleashing the Equinox Energy Thru Our Emotional Paintbrush Of Creation.

The Shift of Time and Energy!


Happy gigantic energy to everyone… I mean equinox, same thing!!  Over the last two days of connections, a lot has come into my understanding, more than I even realized.  Can I just say, your attitude is everything.  That almost seems like a no brainer to even say, but yet, it needs to be said, and more importantly, it needs to be felt by all of us and a reminder sent deep into our hearts every moment of every day.

I realized so much yesterday about myself, of course, thru a divine mirror upon my heart and the field in which I read from.  Being content in your life can also equal complacency.  With complacency, the energy of creation itself, builds up around you, but goes no where because you have no direction for it.  I love my life, I love my home, where I live, how I live and most…

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The Galactic Free Press: Kundalini Activation – or – WTF is Happening to my Body?!?

Openhearted Rebellion

Taken from the Galactic Free Press.

We see this fairly often, a person goes through an intense spiritual or transcendent experience, and afterwards they begin having some very strange things happen to them. They may start having sensations of intense heat or energy flowing through their body. They may start hearing tones, often very high-pitched.

Their body may begin to feel like it’s vibrating, or they may feel pressure in their forehead. It’s common for people to believe they’re going insane or even dying when this stuff starts to happen, but don’t worry, all this is actually quite normal for a being who has chosen to raise their Consciousness, and it’s called Kundalini activation.

Now the term Kundalini itself is tied up with the various Hindu religions and also a number of Western mystery schools. As such, there’s a lot of conflicting beliefs about Kundalini and a lot of…

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Archangel Gabriel via Shanta Gabriel: The Power of Equinox – March 20/21, 2014

Openhearted Rebellion

carousel_horses_escapingArchangel Gabriel: The Power of Equinox – March 20/21, 2014, channeled by Shanta Gabriel, March 5, 2014 at www.TheGabrielMessages.com | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.

Finding Balance in Accelerating Energy

Dear Ones,

As the Equinox energy bursts on to the scene of consciousness, remember that the only place where you can find Balance is in the present moment. You are exceedingly fortunate to be a part of the auspicious beginning activity of Light that has enveloped the world in the shifting sands of new awakening. The stage is set and many scenarios will be possible. In fact, there are many possibilities available for you to experience even in your own life. It is these myriad choice points that will determine the world you live in. Your choices will also be the actions that create the pathways of rampant change intensifying on the planet.

Forever removed from old paradigms, the…

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The Pleiadians via Méline Lafont: Equinox Portal and Conscious Contact

Openhearted Rebellion

Picture Credit: My Facebook friend Ruth Frazier-AbrignaniThe Pleiadians: Equinox Portal and Conscious Contact, channeled by Méline Lafont, March 16, 2013 at http://awakeningtohigherlove.com | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.

Greetings, we are the Pleiadians and we come forth in Grace and with Unconditional Love for every being upon this plane and beyond. We come with a deeper understanding and a knowing about your Planetary Ascension and the stages it is lingering in. As a deeper consciousness is being achieved by many of the collective upon your planes of reality, there are many new opportunities and possibilities being created and even manifested into your own collective – and your personal reality.

What we wish to speak about in this Now moment on your Earthly planes, is the Equinox energies/ portal and its effect on each individual existence and reality. Be brave our fellow Lightworkers, Brothers and Sisters, for this new wave and amount of Solar energy will…

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Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff: Humankind’s Consciousness is Undergoing an Upgrade

Openhearted Rebellion

hilarion2Hilarion: Humankind’s Consciousness is Undergoing an Upgrade, channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, March 9, 2013 at http://www.therainbowscribe.com/hilarion2014.htm | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.

Beloved Ones,

Upon the face of the planet, many changes are taking place. The weather patterns are creating anomalies in areas that have usually relied on stable weather conditions. The world’s water sources are being cleansed and renewed through the efforts of many people throughout the planet who work together to add energy to the water and give assistance to the water elementals.

Many areas are experiencing drought and this is a worry for those who live in these places. Other areas of the world are being inundated with excessive rain which creates flood conditions. The world’s wildlife is experiencing times of confusion and disorientation and many species are finding new areas of the world in which to live as they instinctively feel the energetic waves pulsing…

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Two New Sites Building Nova Earth – 1/2

Openhearted Rebellion

Savitribai Phule placed "universal, child sensitive, intellectually critical, and socially reforming education at the very core of the agenda for all children in India" by setting up the first school for girls in 1848 with eight students.Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.

Steve Beckow: Here are two new sites helping to build Nova Earth. In thsi first story, Chetan brings to our attention a magazine called The Better India, which emphasizes heroes of modern India.  (http://www.thebetterindia.com/

TBI Heroes: Savitribai, The Mother Of Modern Girls’ Education In India


The Better India is an attempt to bring out the happy stories, the unsung heroes (and heroines!), the small good deeds, and showcase them to the world. Over here, you will read about the incremental progress being made by the people of this country, the developments happening on the social and economic front. We hope that by showcasing these here, we might be able to inspire at least one amongst you, the readers, to do something that leaves an impact. Small or big. But, an impact. – See more at: http://www.thebetterindia.com/

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Video: Sandra Walter – March 20 Equinox Preparations and Unifications, Light Encoded

Openhearted Rebellion

From Sandra Walter – March 18, 2014 | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.

Equinox Preparations and Unifications – Video Version

We have a major Gateway opening on the Equinox, Thursday March 20 (9:57am US PDT) which continues with amplifications through the June Solstice. Unified meditations are encouraged for Peace, Harmony, Balance and Solar Cosmic Christ Activation.

This video is light-encoded to accelerate your Ascension. Simply accept and welcome forth the light codes consciously (out loud) prior to watching/listening.

Sandra writes:

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

As this wave comes in for Equinox, I AM offline more than on as this Gateway becomes my focus. Obviously the energies are growing more intense. Remember this energy is consistent through June Solstice, with a turning point in the dimensional energies sometime in June.

While we expect a mass awakening to light for the population, and a bit of chaos from the collective as…

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Two New Sites Building Nova Earth – 2/2

Openhearted Rebellion

Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.

Steve Beckow: And Jon brings to our attention The New Earth Nation, which has an ambitious program for building the New Earth. (http://www.newearthnation.org/institute/)

Welcome to the New Earth Institute…


The New Earth Institute is launching as THE Planetary Hub for wisdom-keeping, knowledge sharing, and trans-cultural exchange. Most importantly it seeks to dynamically bypass controlled academia and media manipulated disinformation which pollutes and defiles true learning and knowledge sharing in our age.

The Institute brings together a selection of leading luminaries, across a broad range of disciplines, each expert in their respective fields, to offer the benefit of their extensive wisdom and knowledge through a series of Academies,. The Academies will evolve to offer a broad range of materials and resources to create a dynamic and collaborative platform for learning.

Additionally the Institute hosts a series of Faculties, where visionary and pioneering individuals…

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