Hilarion – September 21-28, 2013

Oracles and Healers


Beloved Ones,

In the atmosphere around you, there is a feeling of expectancy, of anticipation for something greater to appear before your very eyes that will validate the shifts that have taken place within you. Dear Ones, we say look within yourselves – for the greatest shifts that have occurred and will occur are taking place within people’s consciousness. There have been many moments of revelation and validation for each of you.

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We Are The Eye of the Hurricane!!

The Shift of Time and Energy!


Ya feeling it??  To me if feels like a massive love fest coming in from every direction and parking right smack dab in the middle of my heart.  It was apparent the very moment I woke up on the 19th, where Harvest moon meets incoming equinox energy.  I woke up at exactly 4 am and felt like I was give a very personal gift.  I have been trying to wake up all week long at 4 but instead, this body would rise between 6 – 6:30 every day, pretty much ever since August started.  So on the 19th, moonbeams glowing thru my windows, I was able to do a slow stroll thru my morning sharing and I was grateful!  But something happened once it was published… something the entire day would bring that I was so unprepared (emotionally) for.  Engorged molecules of loving gratitude thru so many people.

Granted, I…

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3 People Have Opportunity to Receive a FREE Reiki Healing Attunement Each Month ~ Actively Integrating Your Experience

Tania Marie

starfishThis morning I woke up with intuitive guidance to present a gift of service that supports integrative healing. I dedicate my life to sharing from my heart, seeds to support souls to come more into their fullness in gentle and subtle ways that create a more authentic and invigorated way of living from passionate truth. In essence, inspirations to mirror the wholeness you are and the reminder of your highest potentials from the source of love that is innately you. In so doing, this harmony and grounded balance you embody more from within, then reflects without.

Between my Facebook pages and blog, I daily invest my heart energy into this sharing for whom ever might be listening and for whom ever may be ready to courageously step into a new way of experience.

The gift I am going to offer will be monthly through the end of this year, unless no…

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Bring The Magic Back…

One World Rising


Music to read by below:

This is what I imagine our glorious light to look like as it floats about the planet lifting weary souls and awakening hearts. Like fireflies flitting about with flickering lanterns set upon their backs. We think the world is beautiful now, I can’t imagine what is coming next! If it looks at all like this I will be in awe and bliss. It is the magic that sparks our souls and encourages us to take flight into the unknown, trusting that where we are going is not only the right direction, but is far more beautiful than where we have been. I am beginning to wonder if people who paint such beautiful pictures as this one are not painting what they remember rather than what they imagine. Who knows what the world truly looks like when everyone is light and peace rules the land…

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9.19.13 Pisces Full Moon- A Gateway Within A GATEWAY

the celestial team

9.19.13 Love/Light Message from the celestial team

We shower our Love/Light greetings to You through the gateway of your glorious Pisces full moon, Beloved!

Indeed, it is glorious, for it is a gateway within the larger Gateway that has already formed through recent planetary alignments. You might call it a special door, even a magical one, for all who choose to use it—or a “shortcut” through all of the pressure and confusion that such Gateways stir, and into the integrative energies of your Fall Equinox.
We suggest You also remember the more common term for your Pisces moon as it rises in full splendor at this stage of your yearly cycle, which is “harvest moon,” and know that this term has never applied more than it does NOW.
Then, stand in its light as it rises, large and orange, bathed in the light of your sun as it sets with finely orchestated precision at exactly the same “time.”
Feel the powerful energies of…

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Limitless – Don’t Be Afraid Of Your Light

Silent Winds of Change


If you were told you had power beyond belief how would you react?




Sit with this thought for a bit. YOU, we, I are powerful beyond belief.

“But why don’t I feel that way?”

You forgot and you’ve been conditioned to believe that’s silly and ridiculous.

Do you know anyone who at least appears to have this power I’m speaking of? Yes?  What is the difference between them and you?

They KNOW we all are like that.

Your “Kryptonite” is your doubt.

That’s it, nothing else. But that one thing is the biggest obstacle of all. You don’t want to seem like a fool for “knowing” this? Sadly the ones who would think you are the fool are really the fools. Why did the rebels in society stand out so much? They knew and felt this in themselves, ALL their lives. They have felt this power rippling through their skin as…

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An Undersea Pyramid has just been discovered in the Azores archipelago! Heavy Synchronicity with AM47!!


On 19 SEP 2013, a Subaquatic Pyrimidal Structure  was identified at a depth of 40 meters off the coast of Terceira Island, Azores. The perfectly squared structure was sighted by a private yacht owner, Diocleciano Silva, during a recreational trip.

The pyramid is etimated to be approximately 60 meters high, the enigmatic structure was recorded through CPS digital technology. “The pyramid is perfectly shaped and apparently oriented by the cardinal directions,” Silva told Diário Insular, the local newspaper.

Within the past 2 years, archeologists from the Portuguese Association of Archeological Research (APIA) have identified archeological evidence on the Azorean archipelago that supports their belief that human occupation of the Azores predates the arrival of the Portuguese by many thousands of years, possibly even of a Carthaginian or even Atlantean civilization!

Project AM47 has been writing to this effect since 2007, with the Azores being the Point of Alchemical EARTH

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