Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff: You are the Pattern Breakers and also the Pattern Makers

Openhearted Rebellion

hilarion2Hilarion: You are the Pattern Breakers and also the Pattern Makers, channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, April 13, 2013 at http://www.therainbowscribe.com/hilarion2014.htm | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.

Beloved Ones,

Now is the perfect time to do nice things for yourselves, for you are each most worthy of them! Take a break from your routine and do something different, for this helps to bring refreshment and renewal to the soul. For those who have come here to serve, this is often difficult, as taking care of one’s self is the last thing on one’s agenda. It is however, one of the new habits that should be developed.

When an individual gives love to their selves first, love given to others comes easily and flows unhindered from an unfettered soul. Finding your way through the perplexities and challenges of life which are further embellished by great downloads of energies from the celestial…

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Pamela Wells: The Healing Path of the Wounded Healer – Part 1/2

Openhearted Rebellion

wounded heartBy Pamela Wells, Divine Feminine Way – http://everydaygoddessart.com/?p=350 | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.

What is a Wounded Healer?

If you are someone who is sensitive or very intuitive (clairaudient, clairessant or clairvoyant)*, from a family history of emotional or physical abuse, find yourself in the middle of solving family quarrels, and suffer from first chakra illnesses like joint, bone, autoimmune, skin or blood disease, you may be a wounded healer.

*Clairessant: The ability to gain extra-sensory information through feeling. Clairaudent: The ability to hear sound and voices that are outside of the natural range of hearing. Clairvoyant: The ability to gain extra-sensory information through pictures.

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Pamela Wells: The Healing Path of the Wounded Healer – Part 2/2

Openhearted Rebellion

death(Continued from Part 1.)

By Pamela Wells, Divine Feminine Way – http://everydaygoddessart.com/?p=350 | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.

The Ultimate Solution – Ego Death and Finding God

Paradoxically the Dark Night is also a time of tremendous grace since deep suffering offers the wounded healer the opportunity to realize at any moment they don’t have control of everything in their lives. To heal, the wounded healer has to stop “playing God” and turn their life over to the care of a higher authority.

By choosing to surrender the egoic self to a higher authority in the name of the Divine, by ritualistically “retrieving the soul” or “calling one’s spirit back” a symbolic ego death can occur and physical death of the body is avoided.

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Spiritual Guidance: You’re Constantly Channeling Energy and Information

Openhearted Rebellion

Conveyed through Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm

You’re being guided to anchor a purer state of consciousness that’s far beyond anything you’ve yet felt or experienced on the earth, and an aspect of this process is learning to listen to your inner guidance; the intuitional voice that helps guide you through your happiest, and most painful, experiences.

Through this voice, you’re maintaining an active link with your higher self and the numerous guides who monitor and assist each of you in the unseen realms. Opening up to us within will help you strengthen your spiritual connections, which, in turn, will make your reception of the energy and information you’re receiving much easier.

You’re constantly channeling energy and information, and the act of channeling itself is simply an attunement to this energy that’s always being sent. In every moment, we’re communicating with you in the form of packages of energy with…

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Ready For Something New

Openhearted Rebellion

Written by Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm

Reading other people’s articles makes it clear that I’m not the only one responding to this drive to step up our work in changing the planet, and it’s interesting and synchronistic to see how many others are also compelled to expand.

I’m ready for something bigger; something greater. I’m ready to take this work to a whole new level, and instead of simply discussing the channeled material we’ve been given from other sources, I’m ready to use my own channeling and writing ‘abilities’ to produce more and purer work than I ever have before.

I’ve enjoyed discussing other sources’ channeled material, but at the same time, I recognize that there are flaws in some of them. There will inevitably be flaws in any channeled message, including mine, and it’s been said that no message is one hundred percent pure.

In discussing material from…

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DL Zeta: Vivid Dreams May Come – The Magic and Power of April’s Eclipse Series

Openhearted Rebellion

DL Zeta Vivid Dreams may Come: the Magic and Power of April’s Eclipse Series by DL Zeta, April 13, 2014 at: www.celestialvision.org | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.

We’re at the threshold of the most powerful energetic phase of 2014. This is a crossroads of major change and a moment to infuse your creations – your most deeply-held dreams and visions – with some of the most profound energies in the universe. We make the most of this time by going within, growing still, focusing our minds and letting our hearts and minds soar on the wings of these energies.

This week’s lunar eclipse is the first wave of energies that will follow a three-step unfoldment:

The first part of this unfoldment is the April 15 lunar eclipse at 25 degrees Libra. Part two is the Cardinal Grand Cross which peaks April 21-23. Part three is the April 29th new moon solar…

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Brad Austen: Ascension – The Light and Dark

Openhearted Rebellion

Ascension — The Light and Dark

Written by Brad Austen, Mindful-Meditations.

Ascension is a gradual process of becoming enlightened while walking around as a human being. It is a process of changing from a disconnected human being, to a connected human being, connected to one’s higher self and the realm of spirit. During ascension spirit begins to merge with matter over a period of time, parts of our soul/higher self begin to merge with our body/mind/spirit. While there are some similarities of ascension with everyone, it is also a very unique and personal experience. After all, we are all so unique and special in our own way.

Some people that have a stronger mental energy will probably not experience as many of the emotional symptoms of ascension. People that have a stronger emotional energy, (the empaths and sensitive’s), will experience ascension from a more emotional perspective.

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Easter 2014

04-20-2014 / 04-21-2014
It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! Therefore we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, at the time of the cardinal Grand Cross on April 20th / 21st, 2014. Many of us will gather and anchor the energies of the Goddess Vortex and will be thus creating a clear and harmonious channel of manifestation for the final liberation of the planet.


Our visualization will support the plan for planetary liberation, so that it manifests as soon as possible, as non-violently and smoothly as possible. We can do it! It needs to go viral! We need to reach many people, so that the critical mass of people actually doing it is attained. Please post it on your websites and blogs. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people dong this in your part of the world. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.

Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society, so what we are doing really does have an influence:


IS:IS portal activation will happen at the exact moment of the geocentric cardinal Grand Cross astrological configuration on April 20th (or April 21st, depending on your time zone). At the moment of the activation, transiting Moon will conjunct Pluto, thus activating the Grand Cross configuration. The Grand Cross will consist of Pluto, Uranus, Jupiter and Mars, all four planets squaring each other. That will create an immense tension and compression towards the surface of the planet, but as we go through the activation, that pressure will greatly enhance and empower the spark of our free will and unleash our creative potential. Therefore the moment of the activation is not only a moment of extreme pressure, but also a moment of enormous potential at the same time:



At the moment of the activation of the portal, the Great Attractor will send a pulse of energy towards our local cluster of galaxies for the very first time in known history. The Great Attractor, positioned at 14 degrees Sagittarius, will make strong aspects with all four main planets of the Cardinal Cross at the time of the activation.


The Great Attractor is a supermassive gravitational anomaly which shapes the structure of space-time continuum in our sector of the Universe:



The energy pulse from the Great Attractor will greatly increase our connection with the Source:




That energy pulse will send ripples of Light through our local cluster of galaxies and will especially affect our sector of the Galaxy, including planet Earth. On a quantum level, all subatomic particles in this sector of the Galaxy will pass through a hyperdimensional wormhole and the structure of quantum fluctuations around those particles will become much more aligned with the Source, thus effectively decreasing the primary anomaly. Energetically speaking, we will be passing through the eye of the vortex, through the conversion / inversion zone of the Antarion Conversion:


This activation will trigger vast changes in our sector of the Galaxy. It will cause further unification of all future timelines, bringing them in even greater alignment with the One.


Goddess Isis, working from the Sirius star system which will be in conjunction with Jupiter at the time of the activation, will help transmit those energies towards the surface of our planet and will step them down in frequency so that we can receive them and anchor them through our bodies.


We will all be doing this activation at the same time, at the exact moment of the cardinal Grand Cross, which comes on April 21st  at 2 hours 31 minutes am Cairo time / Central European summer time. This equals 1:31 am BST in London, 8:31 pm EDT on April 20th in New York, 7:31 pm CDT in Chicago, 6:31 pm MDT in Denver and 5:31 pm PDT in LA.


You can view the exact time of the activation for many places here:


1. If you are doing this activation in a group, if possible do the Sacred Spiral Dance (brought to this planet by a visionary named Solara), just before the time of the activation. Instructions are here:




Exactly at the time of the activation, do the Goddess Vortex. Instructions:


2. Lift your hands above your head and begin to rotate your body clockwise
3. While doing that, sing mantra iiii (pronounced ee-ee) so that it vibrates throughout your body and visualize your body morphing into a brilliant pillar of Light, with millions of rainbow colored stars scattered within that pillar of Light


4. Keep singing the mantra and rotating. After a few minutes, drop your hands close to your body and continue rotating clockwise


5. While doing that, start singing mantra eeeaaa (eee is pronounced as e in America and NOT as e in Venus)  so that it vibrates through your body and visualize a rainbow vortex of Light expanding from your heart outwards throughout the whole planet. Call upon the presence of your spiritual guides, Ascended masters, Pleiadians, angels, twin souls, soulmates, soul families and other beings of Light.
6. Keep singing the mantra and rotating and stay in the presence of all those beings of Light for a while.


You also have instructions for the Goddess Vortex in this video after 5:21 minute mark:




Due to the enormity of this activation, we will only be doing Part 1 of IS:IS portal activation at this time. There will be Part 2 and maybe even Part 3 needed and they may be activated before or after the Event.


Because of potential volatility of the planetary situation at the time of the activation, we will not be organizing a public activation event at this time. We will be doing this activation from our home locations throughout the world.


After the opening of the IS:IS portal, there will be further events and activations within 2014 Window of Opportunity:



On May 17th, we will activate the Pleiadian Alignment portal. That activation will be our first step towards the First Contact. We will be implementing Pleiadian contact protocols which resulted in physical contact with the Pleiadians in some cases very recently. We will be having our main activation group in Stein am Rhein, an important Pleiadian vortex spot in Switzerland, not too far from where Billy Meier had his contact with the Pleiadians. You are more than welcome to join us:




More details about the Pleiadian Alignment portal will be posted in the coming weeks.


Updates about the opening of the IS:IS portal:




Lucas: The Last Fine Tuning Of That Picture Is In Progress

Openhearted Rebellion

Written by Lucas, Lucas2012infos.

It seems the balance in knowing and feeling and being spiritual and also with your feet in this earth bedded needs to be found.  The spiritual only positive explanations are nothing else as another extreme polarity. The same counts for saying all is negative and dark and there is no light. It is promoting duality in denying the opposite to be real. Are you willing to get things back into balance and are you willing to leave the bullshit behind? You can not go on in the new by leaving a part of you behind. It needs to be acknowledged and addressed as part of you to become  balanced.

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The Team via Peggy Black: You Affect the Quantum Field

Openhearted Rebellion

Peggy Black The Team : You Affect the Quantum Field, as received by Peggy Black – April 16, 2014 – http://www.morningmessages.com | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.

We are here once again offering you our gratitude as well as encouraging you to remember who you are. You are here in this timeframe, in this physical focus to support and assist the transformation of consciousness. You are the doorway, the portal and the anchor for the awareness of the oneness of all.

We certainly understand your feelings and sensations of separateness which your physical body provides. We know that you can feel the texture of your skin, the muscles that might be sore or tense, however this is only one small aspect of who you truly are. It is your focus because this reality is dense, and if you bumped your toe, it would certainly cause you a physical sensation of pain…

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