Starseed DNA reading: Arcturus

My vision/connection with an Arcturian.

I continue on this journey to unearth my starseed lineage in this starseed DNA reading from The Grove Apothica. This is the second part of the Starseed DNA reading.  My replies on this reading will be in cursive.

Where else your Soul has been
The following Star Nations are not necessarily in order as to when you incarnated with them.These are the order as to the importance to this lifetime and the mission and traits that they embody for you. I hope they can shed some light on who you are today and how you can work closer to why you are on Earth.

Another Soul Group to come through in your lineage is :

Arcturians are from the Boötes Constellation. The name Boötes comes from Greek and means “bear guardian”. This Star Nation is said to be the oldest and most advanced civilization in out Galaxy. Arcturus is the name for their Sun that is 25 times the size of our sun. It is said they originate from a blue planet that orbits this star and often those Starseeds from here gravitate to the colors of twilight periwinkle blue, and lavender like the colors of their home planet.

When I read: Arcturians are from the Boötes Constellation. The name Boötes comes from Greek and means “bear guardian”.  My native American zodiac is Bear. My Chinese horoscope is wood tiger. And my favorite color is blue. Even though in early childhood I felt also so strong to the color red.

When I was looking through my spiritual diaries, I noticed I had connection with them since 2012 but I never realized this as I was reading also other channelings from other star beings. Now it is so clear as day.I had some connections in the past and it seems to be also in the future with Arcturians, but that is for another article. Here you can read my connection with Iltheos.

These types of Starseeds are rather rare and being in a physical form is one of the biggest struggles for Arcturian Souls. They do not incarnate on Earth often because their home world is in the 7th Dimension (some are in the 8th Dimension now) and Earth is in the 3rd. In the 7th/8th Dimension they have reached the light body level of existence and reverting back to a physical body can be constricting and tedious for them. They are much more comfortable in the role as a non-physical teacher or Spirit Guide. When they are doing any type of energy work, they may prefer distance work because it takes the physicality out of the session and allows energy to be all that matters.

They are very spiritual, intuitive, and intelligent. They are natural-born communicators who enjoy sharing ideas. They have a very active Throat Chakra and this allows them to communicate high level ideas. They are good at planning and organizing because they are masters of the mind and working with the mental energies. They can also focus and clear their energy easily and show us how to align our energy bodies. This alignment knowledge is them laying the groundwork for progression into the collective consciousness. They do deep work in dreams and stellar apparitions (like a hologram).

I struggle with a chronic throat infection that doesn’t seem to go away. The doctor says it’s because of my pollen allergies. But I think I also have an underactive throat chakra. Also, I like to plan everything, write everything down in work instructions, and so on. And I have to-do lists just to keep myself on track, otherwise, I forget half of it. As for the deep working dreams and stellar apparitions: I have many dreams that I have been writing down since 2011, until this very day. Some dreams feel very intense and very real. I posted some on my blog, but I haven’t lately, mainly because I am struggling with my chronic illness, not to mention the depression that seems to keep me in a lock.

Arcturians have a hyper focus in the areas of psycho-spiritual healing and unity consciousness. When I was looking through my diaries, I saw a quote I saw in my dream on a banner:  Unity in Oneness. They will often be in the role of Spiritual Teacher, Guide, or Healer. They teach us that the most fundamental ingredient for living in the 5th dimension is love (this is where Earth is working towards). Negativity, fear, and guilt must be overcome and exchanged for actual love and true light. They have developed the ability to transcend the ego and separate from the lower fear-based self. Success in their work is judge only in terms of the measure of Light Frequency.

Having a strong desire for spiritual service, and often having a career in metaphysics or healing. They connect to sacred geometry, astronomy, and quantum physics. They may enjoy shapes and patterns and may see them everywhere as vibrational messages. They often also experience Synesthesia: the ability to experience a sense in many different ways. (Feeling a color, smelling an emotion, knowing a number by its vibration). This can also lead to them being overwhelmed easily and having frequency sensitivity around sound, light, and color.

My life at that time of Atlantis spanned three different incarnations. All range around the idea of a keeper of nature and a teacher. I met my twin flame in Atlantis and according to her, I was showing her the immense power that heavenly plants can have over our being. I was in my first life a scientist, botanist, gardener, and harnesser of the advanced energy of plants that few knew about. I could connect with the energy of the plants and use their wonderful energy for a healing advantage.

Arcturians are often very respected and are known to be highly evolved. They are focused on creating a better future and are often using planning and organizing skills to create a better way through. They are drawn towards the future, innovative ideas, and evolution of the human light body. People may gravitate to an Arcturus for advice that will impact their future, and they may be able to visualize the desired outcome and take the steps to bring it in.

Many of Arcturus souls have an imbalance in their chakras by having an abundance in the upper (Throat, Third Eye, and Crown) and not enough flow in the lower Chakras (Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Root). They must work very hard to stay grounded and because of this can struggle with practical aspects of human life such as eating, bathing, paying bills, etc Yes this is definitely me.