Matthew’s Message via Suzy Ward – November 22, 2013

Spirit Train Chronicles

Matthew Ward 222Stephen Cook: This special message from Matthew includes a message Suzy received from John F. Kennedy in December 2004.

Matthew Ward as received by Suzanne Ward – November 23, 2013 – | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew.

First we shall speak about a matter that has touched hearts everywhere. Typhoon Haiyan is profoundly tragic for everyone who lost dear family and friends, homes and businesses—they don’t know that at soul level they agreed to be part of this major act of planetary cleansing.

Because releasing accruing negativity was essential to keep Earth progressing toward balance, all the people whose physical lives ended and the millions who are struggling in the storm’s aftermath embraced the opportunity to evolve by participating as they did.

This kind of enthusiastic mass agreement doesn’t seem even possible in your concept of…

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Crystal Connection 22 November 2013

ying yang kitten

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Crystal Connection – Tauno

I sent the power of my Life Force into the center of my head and was waiting for signs. I got a single vision – a cat. The cat was a statue in my bedroom that came alive – like a black and white kitten coming out of the South wall of my bedroom – alive and real
Bastet is here with us the South direction is the element of fire – Sun and Bastet is a Solar Deity. Also I saw the eye of Horus next to a pyramid before the vision of the cat

Crystal Connection – Feilla

This evening, I seemed still trapped in the fear/worry of lack of time, and was not that positive on this. Fortunately, realizing that it’s not normal, and not what I’m, I still tried to do it.

I did the procedure that I’ve used to carry out, but just missed something. I seem to have sensed something, so envisioned first that the white energy sphere warping you, shielding you from the attacks. I then tried to do the purification with violet flame. Soon a black goat appeared at my left, bending his head towards me. At that very moment, I asked help both of AA Michael and Saint Germain. I felt my heart had been implanted something similar to metal, but of black color, that caused the difficulty of deep breath and the energetic circulation. When the cleansing was preceded, my heart hurt and had a series of cold shiver. During this long course, I once saw a big spider who came from the right to help mend my broken aethereal or astral bodies.

I hence tried to recall what brought this, when and how. According to my memory, it could only happen at daytime of yesterday. I just linked to a news which was post on a page where there was some very unpleasant photo. At that very moment, I did realize something wrong, but could not imagine its influence can be so.

I also tried to connect our Sirian family, and express my will to fulfill something. Then I feel there was a bundle of very powerful white energy poured in my crown chakra. I once have a glance over a pyramid.

I’m not sure if the problematic stuff was was thoroughly removed, but feel anyhow charging much less darkness.

Crystal Connection 21 November 2013

white landscape

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I saw my crystal unlocking the key to the upgrade of my DNA. Then I see a crystal white landscape with crystal skyscrapers and a golden dust was going around every building. Unlocking the key to ascension.

Crystal Connection – Tauno
I gathered my Life force and sent it upwards through my central channel to the Crown chakra. I got a vision, a pyramid and another pyramid that was located higher and was of aether and of Light, the second Pyramid was a triangular gate/portal that opened and gave Golden Light and at the center of this golden Light there was a core of White Light.

I felt Bastet`s Presence again , I just know when She is here. I felt that the two pyramids are about to connect sooner than we can realize. When I did Namaste gesture I saw a tall and slim Angelic Being of Light that appeared in a ray of Light.

Crystal Connection – Troy

Here is my connection for today. 🙂 I am sometimes concerned that what I receive could be similar to what someone else might receive, so they might go after me for plagiarism… and I think this could become more and more prevalent as we move closer to being able to clearly hear the words of the “speaker.”

Crystal Connection 20 November 2013


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Crystal Connection – Feilla

Yesterday, I did connection latter than our time and only got one message that came in the beginning, as the 9th symbol of Sirian Sacred Circuit, receive. It was manifested on a triangle, both of orange beam, maintaining for pretty a while.

Though I comprehend nothing about it at all, this is anyhow a very encouragement for me. During this last month, I’ve seen so frequently 333, 444, 2121, 1212, 2222, 1111, 555, 505, 727. These are the very remedy for me in this permanent rainy and cloudy cold Parisian winter.

Different from the same time last year, sensing being one of you, I’m much more peaceful, much less anxious and worried. How much I appreciate that I could meet my spiritual family here, I know more and morenwhy I came here, I know why I incarnated as this one. I want to thank you for being together with me.

Crystal Connection 19 November 2013

5th dimension crown chakra

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Crystal Connection – Tauno
I saw a rectangular glass or metallic platform/runway into Cosmos, I was on it and it was at the level of my eyes as I experienced it, the feeling was -Ready! Go!

I focused my attention of the base chacra building my Pranic Tube or Central Channel to the top of my head
I gathered my Life Force by breathing into the area of my stomach and I got a vision – a Snake, then the snake become two headed snake – my Life Force , I was ready to send the energy generated into the channel to the crown
My attention is now at the crown Chakra. I see darkness, the void of my own Presence as I feel myself Huge , my void is being embraced by My Higher Expression – dark blue colour, a vision of me in cosmos and the void is like a planet and I am holding it with my hands , gradually there comes something New within the void that I am eager to understand

Crystal Connection – Feilla

Today, during our connection, there also came a series of visions, however, I’m too tired to recall even take them down. Most of them are beyond the 3D pattern that I’m used to, whereas the most impressive ones are red phoenix and a wooden coffin in western style. I saw also some portals, including the square golden one with numerous frames/layers which appeared just in the coffin.

So I found though the first sight of that coffin in fact reminded me of something negative, the portal appeared inside seems to indicate me that in any danger, there is/are always portals which lead us to another paradise.

My dear family, owing to the full moon and solar flame, and also the final struggles/attacks of the dark side, I know that we all may inevitably confront different kinds of challenges at the very period of time. May this greeting to you all brace you up more or less.

How much I appreciate this lovely moment to be united as one with you all.